Exercise Poll
Heya folks!
I was speaking to my therapist last week and he said that less than 25% of post-ops get meaningful exercise on a regular basis. He is not a "quack" he is knowledgable in weight loss surgery and has even written an article for WLS Lifstyles magazine.
I guess I was surprised by this a little bit...so here goes my poll:
DO you exercise on a regular basis?
If yes-what do you do and how many days a week?
IF no-why don't you exercise?
I don't exercise regularly. Why? I'm lazy!!! lol
Actually, my doc & his staff kept saying to "walk, walk, walk." Well, I have arthritis in my knee and a bad back, so it HURTS to walk. Plus, my orthopedic surgeon gave me a handicap sticker a couple of years ago so I don't have to walk as much.
I do find that when I walk now, it's easier than before. My knee doesn't hurt as much and my back isn't as bad. So, I'm trying to incorporate more exercise a little at a time.
I have a couple of five lb. weights and I'm trying to make myself do some strength training (mostly arms), and I have a couple of pilates tapes & exercise equipment. I even have a recumbent bike upstairs in the spare room. I have the tools, just not the "umph"!! I'm trying to get there though, as I know it will help the weight loss.
Of course, in 3 months since surgery I've lost 60 lbs, and I'm happy about that anyway.
Ann in Duluth

Hi Sherry,
My favorite exercise was walking, before my knees went out on me a few years ago. I won't be able to get back into it until I have knee joint replacement which I hope to have within the next year or so after my WLS on November 16th.
A few years ago, I had a membership in our local YWCO, where I was very active in water aerobics. Unfortunately, I allowed that membership to lapse and never renewed it. But, as soon as I get the "go ahead" form my surgeon post-op, I plan to get back into it, again. I saw a post on here somewhere a couple of months ago about a woman who had no need for plastic surgery after her WLS because she was very much into swimming, and it did the trick for her as far as toning up.
So, that's the plan for me!
I wish all the exercising I do post-op would let me avoid the plastic surgery...especially since I'm young-only 26. The prob with me is I've been obese just about all my life...and spent a few years at over 300 pounds;( I definitely am going to need a nip tuck in a few places-I hope swimming helps tone you up

I went to an exercise therapist back in my days at UMASS...but this therapist is just a "shrink" I really loved my exercise therapist back in the day, and it helped me lose maybe 30 pounds...but no more than that-pre-op of course. I go to a ladies gym where I have a trainer. It's in Duluth...which is a drive from Athens...I wonder if you can find one in the Yellow Pages...that's where I found mine the first time around...I found her under the weight loss heading.
Bow-flex...I am jealous! Those guys on the commercials are wicked hot! I also do some jogging and usually do about 3/4 miles at a time. Weight training will definitely help the weight loss. You will build a strong muscle core which will raise your resting metabolism.
Congrats on getting a bow-flex!
I go to the gym 3 times a week and keep my Grandchildren on the weekends LOL. 2 and 3 years old, now that is a workout. I am pre op and am trying to get in better shape for surgery. Then maybe I can do more after I get some of this weight off. I do treadmill at 2.5 mph at 2-2.5% incline to keep my heartrate in target range for 25 min. then cooldown for 5 min then weight training. Most days I have to make myself go but then I am glad I did afterwards. I haven't lost any weight as a matter of fact I have gained but I can feel more muscle. So that will burn more fat after surgery. Yeah. I love this little jumping guy he looks like I feel when I jump in the pool. LOLOLOL