Post Op Question
OK Guys, let me pick your brains here. Since surgery I cannot seem to regulate my body temperature very well. Let me tell you about yesterday.
I decided it was time to do SOMETHING productive during this recooperation time and focused on cleaning out my refridgerator. I did the first shelf -- had to rest. Did the second shelf -- had to rest. Both times I was so frickin hot I couldn't see straight. I half way understand that since I was up and moving.
Later, I was just sitting on the the couch watching my son play a video game and I got incredibly cold. I put on a blanket. STILL freezing...couldn't get warm. I finally ended up in a warm tub to warm up. OK..things were fine for about an hour...then I was freezing again.
I did that on and off all night. I am NOT running fever. I just don't know what's wrong with me. I know my lack of energy is from the surgery and hte complications...but enlighten me about this temperature thing.

Since my surgery, I have an intolerance to the cold. I am cold all of the time, last October, I went to Arizona to see my family.It was 111 there and I was cold!!!Both my iron and my b-12 were low according to my surgeon. I got supplements, and things have gotten alot better, but I am still cold. The difference now is that I can warm up faster. When all else fails, I use the bathtub too, that has always worked for me. As far as the heat, I am not so sure about that. Hormones maybe?
Cathy Martin
Hey Babe,
Remember when we drove up to Joe's. Going up I was cold coming home I was hotter than a pancake on a griddle. I still dont really have a handle on the changes of body temp. Mr Dr. has advised that it is the hormones that are stored in the fat that you are losing which is playing (good) havoc. Phyllis also confirmed that she went through it too so I felt better.
As for the energy, it returns. Atleast in my case. I was told to walk every day even if it was for 5-10 minutes. I do. Lately it has been walking in Walmart. lol I park walk in and walk the perimeter and then get what I need and go. I also dont look for the nearerst parking spot anymore. That is a huge change.
Glad ya feeling like you want to do something. Your welcome to clean out my fridge anytime!!!!
Hi Robin,
Glad to here you are feeling better and feel like getting up and doing things. Sorry to here about your hot cold problem. I have not had my this helps me and others to know what to look for when we do have our surgery.
So Thank You!!!
Take Care and hope to see you Nov 13th.

I can relate. When I have gone out for lunch and come back in the office, I have to turn on all of my THREE fans in my office.
I have NEVER been a person that gets all snuggli under comforters/blankets etc...but lately, I cannot WAIT to get up under the sheet AND 3 inch thick comforter ALL the way to my nose! LOL! AND I ALWAYS sleep with my feet outside the covers, cuz I can't STAND my feet being my toes are like little ice cubes, and I sleep with sox on UNDER the covers...
Crazy, huh?
Thanks for all the input guys! Atleast I know I'm normal in 'that' department!
BTW, Kent took me to Walmart today for my first BIG outting. I did well. Believe it or not, we didn't own a descent set of scales so I finally got one today. I did some other shopping but boy did I sleep when I got home. I was bushed!!
You guys ROCK!

I now sleep in long FLANNEL pajamas..... I never used to sleep in anything other than a t shirt.... Now I have atleast 2 blankets also!!! I struggle with being cold alot of the time.. Just the otherday I was hot for the first time.....
Doesn;t it feel great to be getting around!
Glad you are doing well.
Take care see you on the 13th...