I'm Sorry.....New Secret Pal Signups
I know you folks that signed up for Secret Pals have been waiting for me to do the assignments...and I have been ridiculously busy this week.
I don't think I have gotten home before 10pm this week, and tonight it was midnight... I got home and signed on the computer, but passed out on the couch before I could even respond to one single post!!
I am out of town ALL day tomorrow (looking forward to having dinner with all you Warner Robins folks...call me or Tonya or Lynn if you would like to join) at a marching band competition and will not get home until after midnight, and the kids won't be bac****il 1:30 AM (And guess who will be at the school at 1:30 to pick her kid up?)....
However, Sunday I will be BLISSFULLY alone for the better part of the day...and will make the assignments then.
Again, I apologize for the delay. Please forgive me..

Hi Tami, I was just "clicking" around the boards this morning and read your above post.
I just wanted to say as a former "Band Mom" enjoy today!! And good luck to your childs band!
My former band member daughter, is now away at college and decided not to march in her college band. While I know it was her decision, this Band Mom, really misses it.
Debbie J
Hi Debbie, I can relate.. My oldest was band captain last year, and he wanted NOTHING to do with marching band in college. I am starting ALLL over this year, as my youngest is a freshman.
I must admit though... I have never been able to be involved as much as I am this year, cuz of my weight...and I think I may have gotten TOO involved this year, cuz frankly, I am VERY ready for the season to be over... It's fun while I am there, it's just getting motivated EVERY Friday and Saturday this month, as this is our 4th competition this month AND we had an exhibition during the week as well....whew!!
Well...gotta finish getting ready...gotta iron the informal uniforms and get my Pit Crew shirt ready! (I LOVE that you know what that means!LOL!)
Thanks for the positive thoughts.
Why yes! Yes, I know what Pit Crew means!
My daughters Junior and Senior years in high school were much better for me. I had the surgery in January of her 10th grade year, and by the time the fall of her Junior year rolled around, I was pretty much healed from my complications and had dropped enough weight that I enjoyed the heck out of being able to chaperone every game!!
When I was interviewed by CNN (for the story on complications) they actually did part of the filming at one of the football games so they could get film of me walking with the band!! Needless to say the Band kids were thrilled, Mrs J was on tv and so were they. LOL
Debbie J