Christmas Card List....
I would like to be able (if allowed) to get the info needed for any member who would like to be on a Christmas, birthday, anniversary whatever card list. I can also (if you want) get the phone numbers so that if you need someone to talk to or to call you after surgery. I have unlimited long distance and I don't mind calling. As quite a few people on the list can tell you. I love helping others to feel better and laugh. If I get your info, I also will need to know if you will mind if someone else wants the address, if I can give it to them or not. Just copy and paste the below into an email and send it to me at [email protected]. I don't mind doing this at all. I don't work so I have a lot of free time. Thank you all.
Debra =^..^=
Email address:
Husband/wife's name:
Your Name:
City, State & Zip:
Phone number:
Surgery Date:
Allow your info to be sent to others: Yes No