BCBS How long.......
Good Morning Everyone
Can anyone with BCBS insurance tell me how long it took to get your approval after your info was faxed or mailed? My info was sent Oct. 13 and I called Oct 18 to verify they had gotten my info. I was told my info had been received and authorization had been routed to nurse for reveiw. I called again on Oct. 20 and was told my info had been sent to pre-authorization department by different person but was also told it would take about 15 more days before my info would even be loaded into the system and that I needed to call back in about 15 days. Also wondering should I wait and call back in 15 days or should I keep calling maybe once or twice a week? What was your experience?
Hi Spice,
I have BC/BS Federal, and my package was faxed to them on October 1st. I was told by the surgeon's nurse who had experience with them that it could take up to 15 work days (three calendar weeks). But I started calling the next week, anyway. I called a total of four times and each time, I was told it was still under review. Finally, this past Monday, the 18th, I was told I was approved.
I was really concerned about being rejected and having time to appeal before the first of the year, with the rumors that they will no longer cover WLS after January 1st, but it worked out well.
I hope this helps.
Good luck to you!
I had my surgery in March. My packet was sent on Dec. 18 and they kept telling me stuff was lost . and I had to get my doctor to fax them stuff 3 times. I called about 3 or 4 times a week !! When you call get the person's name you're talking to, then ask for them every time . That way they will get to know you and help you out. I guess so you'll get off their back !! Ha Ha . A lady on the message board told me to do that and when I started taking to the same lady everytime , it wasn't long before I got approved. Good luck, Judy
My last piece of info was rec'd. by them on 9/21 and I was approved on 10/5. My original paperwork was faxed to them on 8/26. I got my surgery date on 10/12. I would check in a few days to make sure they don't discover something is missing. All of my paperwork was sent in at one time but my pcp medical clearance letter was missing even though it was sent with the original packet.
Good luck - Debbie