Tired, 3rd week
In my case...the first two weeks, I, like you, was thinking "how can this be sooo easy?" and then the hammer dropped!
I had a day where I literally felt like I couldn't walk across the room. I personally think what you're feeling is very normal, but if it continues for several days I'd call. My strength would leave me for a day or two...then come back a bit...then two weeks later, a day from HECK....sooooo tired. I'm 10 weeks out and just now beginning to feel like a human being again...withint the last week actually. Everyone's different though.

My surgeon and most I think do tell patients that week three will be the worst as far as energy. My surgeon informed me before the surgery that during week 3 I would feel extremely tired because my body was adjusting to food intake (or lack of it) and the surgery. This is normal, but if you continue feeling tired after about 2-3 weeks or any tingling in your extremities this means that your blood levels are not right and you need to contact your surgeon as soon as possible.
Wow, I'm glad I didn't know about week 3 being so bad because today is day 21 for me. Week 3 wasn't worse than wk 1 and 2. But all three have been tough because of the 30 staples, drain tube, reenforcing stitches and G-tube. (I got the drain out last week and the staples and Xtra stitches out today - I feel like a new person.)
I think if you were dizzy with a headache it would probably be lack of water. But weakness is more related to energy sources. If you don't have enough fuel in you system, your body might be able to convert fat to energy fast enough to keep up with the demand.... thus weakness.
How many grams of protein are you getting a day?