1 week check up .:)
Well , i went to the Dr. today for my 1 week checkup. Everything is doing fine . My BP was a little high but i am going to my PCP tommorrow to change my meds to something a little more pouch sensitive .
Anyway i wanted to share with ya''ll how much i have lost . I last weighed at pre op on Oct. the 7th ,and then i weighed today which is 13 days later and i have lost 43 pounds ,I was totally shocked ,, I know alot was water but wow . He said i should be able to go back to work next week .
CONGRATS Travis!!! That is fantastic. I don't go back for my 2 week check up until next Wednesday. I don't own a set of scales so I have no clue how much I have lost in a week. I do know that I was able to put on a shirt yesterday that I couldn't wear prior to surgery. How nice is that?
What are you eating these days? I'm still learning what my pouch will like and not like.
Again, congrats on your success!

As far as eating my pouch has liked everything , the only thing i have taken that gave me a rough time was my BP medicine on sat. other than that i have been doing good .
I have been eating puread ckicken noodle soup , cottage cheese , sugar free pudding , apple sauce ,jello , pop cycles,mashed potatos ,and trying to drink LOTS of water .
I tryed looking for your name on doors while i walked the halls at AMC but i couldn't remember your last name . I was on the 8th floor at the very last room on the left rm 830 i beleive .
Take care
Sounds like we are eating alot of the same things. I have found cottage cheese and babyfood peaches are really good mixed together.
I'm NOT doing as well on the water as you though...my goal is to work on that today. I did try a scrambled egg and let's just say I WILL NOT be eating eggs again for a while.
Yes we were neighbors at AMC...I was in 835. But honestly once my couple of complication**** I slept alot of the time and the days ran together. I didn't walk much during those few days. I did have an uninvited visitor in my room about 11:30 on Wednesday night.
Did you hear about that? I think this gal visited SEVERAL rooms on our hall during that time - uninvited as well. She was 'apprehended and removed from the premises' according to the security guard.
Oh well, we'll have to meet some other time. You and your family will have to come to one of our Georgia Board get togethers! It's a blast.
Again, congratulations on your success.