Ever have one of THOSE days? (LONG!)
I just HAVE to tell you about my morning, cuz some of you will get a real kick out of it...I'm laughing about it now, but at the time, I was NOT amused!! LOL!
I am SOOOO slammed at work.. I mean the work is practically DRIPPING off my desk...
Sooo, I actually got my "not as" fatass out of the bed EARLY today and decided to go in early (my normal start time is 8am) and try to get a head start. Since surgery, I have had VERY VERY little caffeine, since we are not supposed to have. But today, I knew how much I needed to get done, so I decide to go to Starbucks, and ordered a NonFat/Cafe Mocha with NO whipped cream.
Being the nice person I am (try to be) I call my assistant and ask her if she wants anything..(remind me not to do that again) and no...she doesn't want Starbucks, but she WILL take a croissant from Burger King, and oh yeah, Angie and Laura would both like something from Starbucks.
So...after doing all this, no longer am I early, instead I am 10mins late...
(AND out all the money I spent, cuz no one EVER offers to pay you back in that dang office!)
Ok.. so I go in with my hands loaded... I have my purse, my bag o' food for the day, the bag with the 2 Starbucks drinks, a Large Diet Coke, and the Burger King food, AND I am dragging my rolling suitcase that I use to take work home in behind me...
I pass out all the stuff, and notice my cup of cafe mocha has spilled a little and it was messy, so I figure I will take the cap off, wipe it down and clean it up....
It was then that THE WHOLE THING BLEW UP LIKE A GEYSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean it looked like I was in a bad episode of "I Love Lucy"!
That stuff (coffee & cocoa) went EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!! Thank GOODNESS, I had JUST taken off my pink jacket, and hung it up... I had on black pants and a black shirt with a big pink flower on the front.
I had cafe mocha dripping out and down my hair, my shirt AND pants were saturated all the way down to my panties, it was dripping down my arms, it was all over all my work on my desk, and went all in my keyboard...my specially ordered ergonomic keyboard...
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was freaking out!! I immediately flipped the keyboard over to try to keep any from getting down in it...(TOO LATE)
At the time I was on the phone with my best friend, and she had JUST asked me an important question about the boob job she is having on Friday, when I just start shouting " I GOTTA GO...I'll CALL YOU BACK!..SORRY..GOTTA GO!!" and I hung up.
I sopped up the mess for a good 30 mins...then I sat there and literally popped off all the affected keys on my keyboard, and wiped them down, and cleaned up inside the keyboard. All the while, I am hearing comments in the department ...."What's that smell?" "Who has hot chocolate?" ..what ever!! While doing this, I called my poor friend back, and she says.."Ok...let's make a pact that when one of us has to hang up like that we say something like WORK RELATED or something so we don't freak the other person out!" I told her YEAH... cuz I was thinking THAT clearly when all hell was breaking loose! LOL!
Then, I went into the bathroom, and literally, leaned over the sink and soaked down my shirt...and then my pants (these were that slinky stretchy material, so I was able to just pull them over the sink) and when I did, the water in the sink was BROWN from the coffee... while I was washing my slacks is when I noticed my panties were covered, which meant my bra was too! GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had that stuff stained and dripping all down my arms and batwings... my legs were sticky, my watch was sticking to my arm...
When I got back, I was cleaning up around my desk again, and man, I found that stuff in places I didn't think possible!! I just NOW have noticed droplets on my purse!!
Ok... so finally through mopping up, and think..GOTTA get this WORK DONE!! Not so fast Modean!! Oh yeah...the keyboard was TOTALLY SCREWED!!! When I typed "0" it printed "02" when I typed "1" it printed "1+" One whole side of the alpha characters would not even type when I punched the keys!!!
So...now it is about 9:30 and I have to go beg the COMPUTER NAZI in our office to find and give me a new keyboard. I offer to pay for the replacement if she will order me a new one. She calls me and asks what color my keyboard was... I tell her I don't CARE!! I will take black, green, purple, WHATEVER if I can just get to work! Fortunately, there was a spare ergo keyboard, and she comes over and sneers at me as she installs my new keyboard.
OH LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No sooner than I get sat down, than first, one of my agents calls and says, "I need to go over some things with you, let's meet for lunch".. And I smell like the Yankee Candle version of Cafe Mocha!!!
THEN, the next call is from an agent THAT NEVER SHUTS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I listened to him carry on for about 20 minutes and when I FINALLY get him to SHUT UP and get off the phone, it is 10:55!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WAS SO STRESSED that at that point I just buried my face in my hands and cried!! (Not loud...just that "DAMMIT I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE" cry..)
I tried to get in early and get things done and 3 hours later almost I am just getting started. I wound up staying at wor****il 8:45 pm trying to get everything done.... I'm pooped! LOL!
HAVE MERCY!!!! Ok... I can laugh about it now...but man at 11:00 this morning I was NOT amused!!

Hey, at least it's funny NOW!! It gave me a good laugh too - I can see you washing out your clothes. I don't drink coffee (never have), but I've had a few sodas "explode" on me too!! I'm with Debra - don't EVER go into work early again!!!
Ann in Duluth
PS Saw your Dad Monday night - he's REALLY proud of you!! And I am too!

Sounds like the kind of thing that happens to me!!!!! I will have to tell you all of my stories one day!!!!!! My late story is:
We had just gotten Kobi (My Chiweiner Dog--another story entirely)!! He was being house broken. I left to go to work and remembered I had left something in the house. I opened the front door and took off down the hall when I smelled something AWFUL. I looked down and there was dog poop everywhere. Apparently Kobi needed to go Potty and did not tell anyone so he pooped right in front of the door.
To make it worse, when I opened the front door, the door went OVER the poop and smeared it all the way across the hardwood. Then I stepped in it and tracked it a few feet before the smell hit me!!
While I was trying to clean up all of the smeared doggy poop from the hardwood and the bottom of my shoes, I started to gag. Well, I gagged so hard I peed in my pants!!!! I had to take another shower and change clothes. Needless to say, I was about an hour late for work that day!!!!!!!
As you said it is funny now, but at the time we almost had a dead Chiweiner dog at the Godfrey house!!
I just read about your bad day!!! Im sorry to hear about it... LOL but I was laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes... see...everything happens for a reason!!! FIrst of all you know you didnt need that coffee... LOL and second of all Everyone here needed a good laugh!!! Im supprised that the assistant does not have a keyboard sticking out of her head however!! LOL Hang in there gurl. Call me sometimes.