Just a quick questions
In an "Atlanta" minute!! (Right now..being a Boston Red Sox fan, don't want it to be a New York minute
I would do this over so quickly!!
I am a little over 3 months out and down 85 pounds. I have dumped one of my asthma meds. I am wearing clothes that have been in my closet for years.
I am participating in my children's activities.
Last weekend, I had to RUN(ok..walk really fast) to make sure my kid had something he needed so he wouldn't get in trouble with school...when I brought it, I told him...boy..you better be glad I lost all that weight, and he just kept saying.. I AM mom!! Thank you I SURE AM!!!
My life has changed immensely and I still have another 115 to go!! I am almost halfway there!!

I would have this surgery again in an hot minute. It has changed my life completely, Since I have lost over 70 lbs, I have been promoted on my job, been asked out by my daughter friends (whom think I'm their sister) get advances from the guys at the gym, and now I have my hubby wrapped around my finger.