kathy H.
on 10/18/04 9:51 am - bethlehem, ga
on 10/18/04 9:51 am - bethlehem, ga
Hi! I haven't had my pre op yet, but will on Oct. 28th. When is yours? If mine is before yours, I will be glad to let you know what to expect. I asked the hospital, and I was told I would have blood work, blood gases, EKG, talk to the doctors that will be in the room with us, and also take a test in Dr. Proctor's office. I will also see the Ginny, the nutritionist, that morning.
When is your surgery??
Are you excited or scared? I cannot decide lol!!
Talk soon!
I have been trying to remember all day what was done and now I remember! Someone gave me my brain back! I had Dr. Richards, Dr. Proctors partner. When I got to the hospital I had blood work, andswered questions, talked to the guy who puts you to sleep, (I know what he is called but can't spell to well right now) Then had an EKG done and was told what to do the day before and teh day of surgery and that was all. The docotrs office is to make sure you know what is going to happen and for you to ask any questions you have. So write them all down so you won't forget. I think that was all. Not feeling to well right now so excuse me if I forgot anything.
Obesity Solutions has completely changed their program around since I went through pre-op...
However, I went for my doc appointment, in which Dr. Richards measured my stomach, and felt around for any problems, etc. He answered any questions I (or my aunt who accompanied me) had... he was basically just wonderful.
When I got to the hospital, I checked in, they took me to a room, and did an EKG, then I had a chest x-ray done, then they took a urine specimen, and then I talked to the anesthesiologist, and a lady put all my info into the computer and so everything would be ready for my day!!
It wasn't was looonnnggg... take a book!