Post-Op Dont's?!?!?!
Has any one came up with a list of important don'ts as a post op and the reasons behind them? I mean the kinds of things that you are absolutely not supposed to do or eat because of serious problems it would cause. I have been hearing that you are not supposed to have gum anymore because if you swallowed it, they would have to surgically remove it. Is this true or sort of an urban legend. I have also heard not to eat popcorn, though they did not know why and coconut because it forms a ball and will ge stuck. Does anyone have a list?
Dr Duncan has a list of "Don'ts" on his site. GO to the Surgeon area and click on his link.
The gum is not an urban legend. If it's too big of a piece it can block the stoma and b/c if doesn't breakdown you could need a endoscope to have it removed.
I ahve eaten popcorn in small amounts, being careful for the hulls & such.
I have heard many say the same about coconut but not sure if it's true.
Good luck,
i eat a small..1.5 ounce bag of fat free popcorn almost daily..its the almost.ahha..only carbs i allow in my system..but i was 4 months out when i started doesnt bother me at all..but certain other things im supposed to be allowed to bother me. I think it's your own personal body and how it responds and heals. Just be careful.