Need help with Protein and Hair loss
Dear All,
I am now two months out since surgery and so far I am doing pretty good
. I have lost 46 pounds
and I have only gotten sick two times so I feel very blessed.
My problem is that my doctor and nutritionist state that I need a minimum of 70 grams of protein a day and there are days that I can only take in 50 to 60 grams. There are some people I know that stated their doctor did not tell them how much protein to take and so they may average between 40 to 60 grams a day. When I try to eat beef or chicken (even ground up) my tiny pouch just hurts and sometimes I get sick. I am trying to drink protein drinks and I prefer Nectar over anything else since it does taste better then other whey drinks. But sometimes, even the protein drinks can cause me to gag and this worries me. I can eat a Krystal cheese burger-no bun and my stomach feels fine. go figure!
Another question I have is about hair loss. Before my surgery I had already lost a lot of hair on top of my head due to the diabetes and family genetics. Is there a shampoo or supplement (chewable) that I can take that will help me to loose what I have left? If not, can someone point me to a great place to get a wig or hair piece? LOL I am hoping that I do not loose any hair but from what I have read, it is inevitable.
If you could help me with these two issues I have, I would be so grateful. One thing I would like to share with you is a tip my bariatric doctor, Dr. Scott Lynch, told me and that is if you buy Publix brand Milk called Milk Plus, 2 glasses will fullfill your daily calcium requirements. It is skim milk but it is a little thicker then the other and taste good. I have a milk intolerance that I was born with and cannot even tolerate the milk substitute but this milk does ok.
Also, does anyone know if they still hold group meetings at Rockdale Hospital? If not, I live in Jackson and would love to go to a group meeting that is close by. Any suggestions?
Thanks for listening and God Bless You.
Becky Stanford

I am not sure what you can do about the hair loss. I was told that as long as you can get in at least 75% of your protein that that is good. I can't do it every day either. That is why I got the Unjury and mix it in with everything. All doctors are different, some don't say anything about beef or pork but mine said none until after 6 months since it is so hard to digest. Wish I could offer better help. Just hang in there.
Becky, I am just over three months out and my hair is starting to fall out pretty good. I asked my doctor (Steinberg) about how to prevent more loss, and he said there's no way to avoid it. I had heard that the more protein you take in, the less likely you are to loose hair. He said not true. That with rapid weight lose there is going to be some hair falling out no matter anorexics have!
Good luck to you!
The woman who runs my surgeons admissions and such..and is in charge of all protein and dietician matters post op...i told her about my hair loss and she had some vitamins...called biotin. I bought them from her. Im taking 2 a day for 2 weeks because my hair loss was so much. Then i'll start just one a day. It has seemed to help some. That's bout the only tip i can give ya besides the protein shakes and you seem to be doing that already*S*.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Becky,
As Kelle said basically I've read over and over there really is nothing you can do to stop the hair loss, it's just something that comes with surgery and usually about this period. Most I've spoke to further out have told me the hair does come back and thicker. Just do the best you can the hair loss will pass and grow back