Pain Medication
How soon is morphine medicaton given to the wls patient once he/she returns to the room after surgery? Will the morphine medication make the wls patient too sleep to walk 4 hours after the surgery (a requirment from my doctor)? I'm asking these questions because a friend had wls last month and all she did was press the morphine pump and sleep. I want to be awake and aware of my surroundings after surgery. I heard taking too much morphine could cause
Tammie G.

You usually come out with the pump already working. But it doesn't matter how much you push the button, it will only let a certain amount out every so often. Your friend was just taking advantage of being able to sleep and no one bothering her. HAHAAH I did too! But I never pushed the pump since Morphine doesn't work on me. Hope this helps a little.