I have a ?
I am very close to my paternal Aunt, and she is against this surgery, she has a friend who had RNY and had a bad experience. Right now, I am not going to have surgery. I have already had some pretty major hospital surgeries and I don't want to "go under the knife" again.
However, if I ever do decide to have WLS, it will be my decision.
There is a very famous woman who is a Christian author by the name of Joyce Meyer. She had a face lift and some of the more conservative Christian community gave her some static about it.
She said she went to God about it and God said to her, "Look it is YOUR face, I gave it to YOU, do what YOU want to with it."
This is kind of how I feel about WLS. If I ever decide to have it. It is my STOMACH, God gave it to ME, and I will do what I want with it!
Hope that helps.
My in-laws really battled with me on this surgery. They thought I was totally nuts wanting to do this. They were positive I would die. Negative TV shows about wls had really tainted their minds.
First I asked them not to watch any more reports on wls .. I explained all the co-morbids with obesity, (my mother-n-law is a big lady) They really never put weight to these issues. I asked them to come to a support meeting with me but they declined. I offered them to come and chat with my dr too, (also declined)
I told them I was to young to die.I want to live to see my children grow and grandchildren one day and doing this surgery really would give me this chance.
Now that I am 95 lb lighter ... and so much happier and healthier they are very glad I did this.
This is the best decision you will make for the health of the rest of your life. Stand talll be proud ... Your family will come around and they will support you.
God Bless Your Journey, Sheila -95#

My family was scared especially since my Great Aunt passed away in the early 80s from WLS surgery. My Mother took every opportunity to say she wished I'd reconsider as well as other family members.
I just told them that it was my decision and if they couldn't respect that then the subject was off limits. Then I avoided a bunch of them until after surgery. Sad but true!
Thank you guys for all the help.
My husband is telling I should do what I feel is right
but it is just my other family members ( mom, dad, brothers)
that I am having troble with
My sister works w/ someone whos mother and aunt had it
and she talked to her about it and now my sister is coming around and taking up for me.
I know that they are scared but I told them if I don't lose the weight
they are going to lose me anyway.
I am 31 and I have a 4 year old son to think about.
thanks guys for being here
W Williams