Hi Wanda,
A great deal of people have this feeling after WLS. However, make sure you stay in contact with your doc if things don't get better. I questioned myself for a few weeks after surgery and all I can say is it got better. I now can not imagine weighing what I did preop. You will eventually realize you made a good choice to better the quality of your life. If you feel up to it, come to our support group meeting this thursday which is just around the corner from you in Newnan. E-mail me if you would like more info...I wish the best of luck and feel better soon.
I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad. Please listen to what Vince had to say in the previous post, and maybe you can make it to that support group meeeting. I can tell you over and over again that it will get better, but I know that at this point in time, all you want is for it to get better now. Sending you prayers and the strength to take it day by day..
Cathy Martin
I have not had this particular surgery. Although I have had some pretty serious surgeries and that is why I have not had this particular surgery, I don't want to go through it again.
But I have read posts from folks very recently coming from surgery and I have "bed sat" for a morning with someone after surgery and lots of folks feel this way, at first.
It seems (from reading this Board) that after about a month, it gets better.
But that doesn't help much when you are feeling yucky, does it sweetie?
I CAN share with you that when a friend of mine had this, she was miserable and WARM liquids seemed to help her out tremendously. She even named her pouch Andy Rooney, she said, because he didn't like ANYTHING! But she found that warm broth, warm ff sf hot cocoa, even warm (not hot) water felt better and she tolerated it better. Then, the poor little thing couldn't hold down her protein and FINALLY mixed it with mashed potatoes to get it "in". But cold jello, cold water, cold anything, came right back up....maybe you could try some warm stuff.
Now, she is feeling great, and according to the photos I have seen of her, she is ONE HOT LOOKING CHICKIE! Already! But at first, it is no fun.
Hope you feel better, soon.
I've spent the first several months getting sick. If I'm not careful with how I handle my food - and certainly it is a reaction to some foods - then I still get sick. I have my days that I hate this surgery...but I PROMISE....the further out you go the better it gets! Please try to remember that you had stomach surgery and NOT Brain surgery. You're brain is still not used to it.
I'm so sorry it's not easy for you. I'll keep you in my prayers that you get stronger every day!
Dee Dee
Okay, Wanda.
Your post really got to me.
I don't know, you just sound more "down" than usual and I was kind of worried.
AND I wanted to help.....so.......
I just happened upon this really, incredibly, honest great profile. Seriously, this woman had WLS and it has been successful and her profile is really inspiring.
Check it out, give it a good read, the before and after photos are great, but really, the read is inspirational as well. And she has really great information.
It is obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/profile.phtml?N=M1043211376 Caroline Martin is her name. Don't forget to put the www. in front.
If you will read it, it will give you hope. AND she has an address for a message board for post op help as well.
Feel Better.
My Poor Angelette!!!
I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.. I have JUST walked in the door and it is 11:50...I would have called you...
I will give you a call tomorrow and see if there is anything i can do to help you out.
Vince offer good advise, as do Dee Dee and Dondi and Cathy...
A lot of people go through what they tend to call a remorse period of about 3 weeks. You need to go very slow with new items you enter into your diet....You need to stay with bland, easy on the digestion system foods/liquids to start...as you start feeling better, you should be able to introduce new items...a little at a time....
Wanda, keep in mind your tummy is going through a "rehabilitation" period, not unlike someone who is learning to walk again after an accident...You are learning to eat all over... and you can't do it all at once, you have to take baby steps, or your new tummy will protest everything you do...
I will talk to you tomorrow. I hope you have a better evening.

I didn't have these problems, but they do occur.. Now the question is when do you get sick? Are you taking anything for the sick feeling. I know alot of people end up having to take Phenergan in the beginning or something simular for the sick feeling. Please email me any time, Infact write me and send me your number. I'd be more than happy to talk with you on the phone.
Oh Wanda I am so sorry!! Can you try to pin point when you vomit? Is it after a certain type of food? After taking meds? Can you keep water down or any fluids down? Let us know so that maybe we can help you or give your suggestions.
Just know that you are not alone. We are here in lifting you up in prayers and for encouragemnt.
Oh Wanda... {{{HUGS}}}
I puke about twice a week now, which is a great improvement. I go back and forth between being pissed off about it to feeling pretty good. I did feel very rough the first month. Like others have said, it DOES gett better - exponentially so! I won't lie - occassionally I do have the little mini breakdowns over something not tasting the same, or something making me sick, and I'm just angry and regretful etc, but HONESTLY hon, once those pounds start coming off, you will be thinking "hey this might not be so bad" and before long you'll be having lots of "hey this is pretty damn cool" type days!
We love you girl - email me anytime if you'd like to talk...