Hey-My Twom Month Update!!!
Hello All,
My apologies for not being so noticible on the board. I lurk,when I
get the chance, but have just been really busy.
My official weight loss as of today is 49lbs- No matter HOW HARD I TRIED it just would not let me reach 50
.. I have to say that I am glad to have reached 49, so no complaints here.
I am feeling back to normal as far as strength goes.
With that said, I am heavily active back in my Girl Scout Troop. We have a Mega troop of 58 girls from Daisies thru Cadettes. They keep me super busy, and I enjoy working with them. In addition to that , I am heavily involved with the Girl Scout Council Archive and History Committee, and the Secretary for our Service Unit. I also run the school store at my Son's elementary school- and hold down a full time job. So you can understand now why I have been kind of absent.
I went to my PCP on Monday, got my B12 and flu shotsand I had my
bloodwork done. He called me yesterday to tell me that my Hemoglobin A1C is 5.3- As close to perfect as can be.
With this reading he is going to start weaning me off the post-op Insulin and see if my Pancreas can handle it now. I will be so DARN glad because getting shots everyday SUCKS!!!!
I saw my surgeon last Wednesday. The Upper GI could not find any issues with why I am vomitting. He said that unfortunatly, he thinks this
is how my body is handling the Gastric Bypass. That SUCKS but its my reality...
I still am very limited to what I can eat, and still have episodes with myself and the porcelin throne
. I just stopped getting upset over that aspect of it and just try to do what I can when I can. No way am I even close to 3 meals a day- I am not sure if it defeats the purpose of this process as I still thin it would put you in starvation mode- but hey, I am trying.
I met a nurse while waiting for the surgeon who I did not know. She shared with me that she had a GB. She said she threw up for a long time, and was hospitalized a few times for it. She said it does get better and
to STAY HYDRATED, which I do.
All in all (with the exception of eating) I am doing a lot better. I am getting back into my hectic routine, and living life.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Take Care!

Hey gal!
Good to see that smiling face on the board!! I've missed you. I comment you for doing all the great works you do along with being a wife, mother, daughter, full time employee, GB patient and Chief cook & bottle washer!LOL Just had to throw that in!
I'm glad you are living your life and doing the best you can!
You go girl. I pray that that vomiting episodes stop soon!
PS- Still can stop laughing about the BBH!