Anyone else want to be in Secret Pal Club?
Is there anyone else besides Carolyn Godfrey that wants to be in the secret pal club? THIS IS OPEN TO ANYONE as long as you agree to be active, and not leave your secret pal hanging with no goodies.
We have agreed to plan on going a full year with your secret pal. We will do a survey in 6 months to see if everyone still feels the same way.
I will facilitate it. You will need to email me the following info...
(CLICK EMAIL at the bottom, NOT that your private information is not posted on the site for all to see.)
OH Message Board Name
Email Address
Birthdate (Only give year if you WANT to
Surgery date (if any)
Anniversaries (Any anniversaries of importance to you)
Any other important dates to you
Favorite Movie(s)
Favorite TV Show(s)
Favorite Musician(s)
Favorite Sport(s)
Favorite Team(s)
Favorite Holiday
Favorite Store(s) to shop in
MISC - Tell anything about yourself that would help your secret pal when choosing "goodies" for you.
-If you sign up to be a part of the Secret Pal Group, PLEASE do not "fizzle" out, or fail to do nice things for your secret pal. It is very discouraging to have a secret pal that does not do anything for you.
-Please keep the cost of items to a minimum. A suggestion is $15 MAXIMUM. This is just to do nice little things for each other, not a competition as to who can purchase the nicest things.
-If you find you are no longer able to participate for personal reasons, please contact Tami Richards by clicking the "email" button at the bottom of one of my posts, or by going to my profile, and clicking on the "EMAIL ME" link.
-We are going to shoot for a 1 year commitment. We will do a survey at 6 months to see if everyone is still on board for a full year, or if we want to make a change at that time.