Diabetic post op
Betty, I am also a diabetic. I haven't had my surgery yet. I am still trying to get everything to Emory. I would think of you can do it, that some sort of cream soup would also boost it up for you. Have you asked the doc about this? You really need to. Have you thought about the glocose tablets. They can be crushed really fine and they work great. I hope this helps. Take care! Tonya

Well I tried some low fat peanut butter and it helped a little. I put a babyspoonful on my upper gums and just suck it so it would melt before going down. Besides working it tastes so much better than anything I'm allowed now. I usually delute the apple juice I'm allowed because it seems so strong but I tried just a couple of ounces full strenght and it helped but I'm still going to delute my juice but not by as much. I can wait until I can get to purreed foods.