PCP today
Well, I had my appt with my PCP today and it went great!! His staff is wonderful and Dr. Taylor was very supportive (even said that he will do whatever it takes to hurry the process). They were going to go ahead today and get my referral sent to Dr. Burrowes so that it will be there on Thursday when I have my appt with him. He went ahead and did an EKG so I would have that over with and that was normal (thank God). He ordered every type of lab in existance....they drew out all the blood in my body it seemed like. I should have the results back on that by the end of the week I hope. He thinks I have PCOS and possibly diabetes. I need to do some research on PCOS. Anyone have it? I weighed in at 326 which means I had lost about 6 pounds from the last time I weighed. He said, " I want to see you around 148 pounds" and I said "well, plop me up here and do the surgery yourself and I will make that happen"....He wasn't amused. He is a great PCP, but has NO sense of humor *shrug*.
Ok, people...what now?
PCP- today
Dr. Burrowes-Thursday
Pysc eval- 12th
I need to set up my nutritional eval....any suggestions on who I should call?
What else do I need to do for now?????? I want to have all the bases covered so hopefully it will go fast. I will be so upset if this doesn't happen before 2005 and they quit covering (I have BCBS HMO).
HELP!!!! Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Shree (going

You sound like me!!! We are in the same stages and have the same insurance so hopefully together we can get thru all of this. I dont even have an appt w/ my Dr yet so you are moving right along. I do have PHY evaluation on the 18th. MY Dr office (Dr Champion) told me to wait till they had coverage verified and then we'd speed things up a bit. So Im holding on waiting till they say go... I should know something by Friday. Tick Tick Tick.....
Hang in there.
It sounds to me like you are on top of things. At your visit with Dr. Burrowes, you'll learn more. My PCP had to send my weight loss history (which I provided) and a clearance letter to the surgeon. Is Dr. Taylor already sending this info.? The psych eval. and nutritional report were the additional reports I needed. After my approval, I had to have another clearance letter from my PCP with specified tests, and a heart evaluation (because I'm over 40).
I had BCBS HMO also!
I am not sure exactly what Dr. Taylor is sending over besides the referrel, but after my appt with Dr. Burrowes today I will call him back and get whatever I need I guess. Since this was the first time I had ever seen him he really doesn't have alot of background info on me. I tried to call a couple of my previous doctors to see if they would write me a letter or something and they said that they would have to see me first *sigh*. I am hoping that that won't be an obsticle for me. I am so excited about my appt today that I barely got any sleep...I will let y'all know how it went when I get home tonight.