Roll Call!

on 10/5/04 8:39 am - Duluth, GA
I've seen this on the main board, and I figured..what the heck!! We can play too!! So...howz your day been?'s a question for the day..... Does your job allow you to dress for halloween? Are you going to a party or some event where you will dress? What/who are you dressing as? What was your most imaginative or favorite costume? I am going to SWIRL my hair all around on my head, wear a black suit, white shirt and red tie, and walk around the office all day as Donald Trump, saying, "You're fired"...I was playing with my hair one day looking for a different style, and when I had combed it all over, was when I realized I could do "the Donald" look! LOL!... Not my MOST imaginative costume ever, but it will do for this year... Back in 1992, I went as a giant Tomahawk, and had people do the tomahawk chop while I swayed back and forth...that won me $100! In 1989, when I was 8 mos pregnant, I went dressed as a SHOT GUN BRIDE! I was screaming preggers, wearing a wedding dress and vail, and carrying a (toy) shot gun over my shoulder! LOL! One year, I went as a "Beanie Baby". I dressed as a baby, and pinned snap beans all over my baby doll pajamas, and on the bows in my hair, which was up in ponytails, and carried a baby bottle filled with dried beans. I wore a sign on my shirt that had a little poem like the beanies that showed my name as "SPROUT Birthdate 10-31-97" and my poem said: "My name is Sprout. The meaning of my costume? That for you to figure out. I am mocking a fad...'ve heard of maybe... Don't you get it??? I'm a BEANIE BABY!" Let's hear it!! -Tami
on 10/5/04 8:52 am - Jefferson, GA
Not fair! hahaha My work is sitting here at home on this thing looking up nutrition stuff and anything else I can think of to keep from getting bored. It doesn't work too often. It has been so long since I have gone anywhere or done anything that I have forgotten how to. My day was spent at the hospital with my dad and then at another hosiptal with a friend so it is all going great. Hugs, Debra
on 10/5/04 10:03 am - Duluth, GA
Debra, you are such a sweet soul!! I hope your dad and your friend are doing ok. -Tami
Becky F
on 10/5/04 9:28 am - Woodstock, GA
I LOVE your "Beanie Baby" costume! I could dress up, but my students go a little wild. Hey, we had "Pajama Day" two weeks ago and I wore pjs with pink flamingos all over them. Can you imagine wilder? We do have a big "fall" party. I won a costume contest one time by going as a sports widow. I carried a big black equipment bag with all of my hubby's (sports) balls. Plus I wore a black dress and black veil. Since he wouldn't go with me because of a football game, I thought it was appropriate. Hugs, Becky
on 10/5/04 10:06 am - Duluth, GA
I LOVE the sports widow!!! I might have to steal that idea sometime!!LOL!! (I also loved the way you clarified what kind of your husbands balls you were carrying!!! ) -Tami
on 10/5/04 9:57 am - GA
Hi, busy busy busy day here!and my freezer tried to die on me... right now it's working but needs a new part. Halloween I have no idea what I will do this year... hmm need my thinking cap on! I work from home so sure my job allows me to dress for Halloween! LOL
on 10/5/04 10:10 am - Duluth, GA
NO FREEZER DYING on TUESDAYS!!! Yeah..sounds like you got a GREAT boss, huh?! Yourself! Have a great night! -Tami
on 10/5/04 10:15 am - Athens, GA
We usually go to one of the BBW Halloween Dances here in Marietta and dress up. I have NO idea about this year...was thinking of letting my kids have a "party" at the clubhouse. Last year I was a Zombie Cheerleader. I haven't even THOUGHT about costumes this year. I will let ya know though Today I had my appt w/ my PCP. It went very well. His staff was great and he was very supportive. He did scare me a little when he started throwing out the stats, but I got over it (kinda). He is ordering all my labs and went ahead and did an EKG so that is over with. I should know the results of my labs by Friday and he is going to go ahead and fax the referrel over to Dr. Burrowes office tomorrow so I can go to my appt with him on Wed. I have my psyc exam on the 12th. I still have to find someone to set up the nutritional part. Any suggestions? What else do I need to do? What next???? *shrug* I am so anxious to get everything done so it can go to the insurance. The waiting is killing me *grin* Ok, I am done rambling..............
on 10/5/04 10:24 am - Duluth, GA
Zombie Cheerleader! I bet that was great! Sounds like you got things well under control!! Nutritional...hmmm... I don't know of anyone in the Marietta area... I had a nutritionist here in Duluth...will your PCP refer to anyone? The waiting is the WORST part! And you come here and ramble ANY ol' time!! -Tami
on 10/5/04 10:31 am - Athens, GA
I still have the costume if anyone wants to borrow it this year. I made it myself so it is probably for anyone from a stretches well It is black and gray and has a megaphone on the front with "Zombie U" on it. I think it is cute anyway, but I am kinda twisted like that
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