Why am I so nervous?
I am headed to Atlanta in a few minutes for my Pre-Op with Dr. Duncan. Why am I so nervous? I mean, you would think the actual surgery was today as jittery as I am. My stomach is in knots and I just dread this! I guess subconsciously I am afraid there will be some reason they will cancel the surgery and I want this SO BADLY!! Crazy huh?
Y'all say a prayer today.
I so felt the same way. Like I would walk into the Dr office and they would call me back and advise that a mistake was done on my insurance and since I could not pay for the surgery without it that I would have to reschedule or cancel the whole thing. I had dreams and nightmares about it. So I understand. When I went to pre-op for my Dr. It didn't take but about 1 hour. I saw Dr. Hixon, was given the instructions and sent to pre-register for surgery. Got this awesome dude who had had a fobi pouch and we sat there and talked while he keyed in my info. Then it was over. To me it was like holding my breathe and then realizing it and breathing again. A huge relief. So you are in my thoughts today. Post when you get home and let us know how it went.
Why are you nervous?....hmmmm....let's see.....
Could it be that you have only been waiting for this forEVER?
Or...could it be that you have no idea what they will expect from you?
Or...could it be that your surgery is in just 8 days?
Oh.. I DON'T KNOW!! Why would anyone be nervous?? LOL!
Girl...you are gonna do great!!!!
I KNOW it's not cuz you are nervous about how FABULOUS you are gonna look, cuz you look FABULOUS NOW!!!! What a knockout you are gonna be!!
Please let us know how it goes!!