Need new PCP and GYN
Can anyone recommend a PCP that has a clue about wls patients? Mine knows nothing, and seeming doesn't care to learn (he was totally against surgery) and gets upset when he prescribes something only for me to say, "I can't have Nsaids, or "do you know if that comes in a liquid form?"....etc. Also, for those women out there who have had babies after wls, I'l like to find out who your OBGYN is. Once I lose all of my weight, my DH and I will start trying to have a baby. But I'd like to have a Doc.that understands the unique nature of our new systems.
Any help would be much appreciated!!!! I live in Mcdonough, so a Doc. in metro Atlanta would be easier.
Thanks all.
Hi Kerry,
I live in Athens, and I think that would a little far for you to commute to a doctor, but I am really very satisfied with the one I have. He is an internal specialist and totally encourages me with the WLS. He was the one that recommended the surgeon I am seeing.
I would recommend you try to find a good internist that has a vast knowledge of these things and one that is willing to take the time to listen to your concerns and allay them for you. Also, I would call your local pharmacist to find out which meds also come in liquid forms (this is something I have to start looking into as well). If they don't know, ask them where you CAN find out.
I wish you the best...and I would love to know what happens with you. Feel free to email me, any time.
May you be blessed!
Kerry...Girl where have you been hiding? My PCP and OBGYN are fantastic...but both are quite a drive from McDonough. (One is near the airport - the PCP - and the other is in Peachtree City. My OBGYN Had the me she KNOWS about it!) E-mail me and let me know if you want the names.
How are you doing???
Kay, girl you don't need to drive that far! My gyn has not had the surgery, but she has many patients who have and she is incredible! Her name is Judy Taylor and she is a nurse practioner with South Cobb OB/GYN over at Cobb Hospital. I drive to her from Sandy Springs so you know she's great! She's so encouraging and just a super nice lady. I saw her for the first time since surgery about 2 weeks ago and she was very informative to me about anemia, etx. I love her and you never have to wait very long to see them.

Hi,I'm having the same problem mines will not give me an Medical Ness because she doesn't know anything about it we is not going to give up e-mail me sometimes so i can know the outcome [email protected].