Looking for fellow Lap Banders...

on 10/4/04 5:27 am - Bonaire, GA
Hi, I am new to this board, but am a fellow WLS. I am 16 mths post op from Lap Band surgery. I have lost 100lbs for ever..... Looking for fellow lap Banders or fellow WLS pt in Mid GA. Look forward to hearing from you. Wendy
on 10/4/04 8:15 am - Jacksonville, FL
GA Board need your assistance here.... Wendy did one of my husbands test today. She has just moved up here and wants to get involved with a support group (kinda like us)! Lets welcome her to our board and offer her support. Wendy, would you like to ride with me on Sat to our get together in Duluth. It will be a Joes Crab Shack, we will be having a Secret Pal thing to sign up for and clothes swap among the other things we do like talk, talk, hug, drink and smile. Thanks Gang, lynn
(deactivated member)
on 10/4/04 8:22 am - Warner Robins, GA
Hey Wendy! Not a lapster here but I do want to welcome you to this site and invite you to attend our local support group. The Minimees meets at Flint Elec on Hwy 96 at 7:00pm on the 1st & 3rd Tues of the month. They also have a yahoo support group. Type "Minimees" into the Groups area of Yahoo and sign up. Hugs, Tonya
on 10/4/04 12:24 pm - Bonaire, GA
That is great. I can't make it tomorrow night we have a dinner theater at BMS that I have to help with. I had no idea we had a support group in this area. Also, Lynn I can't make this meeting but maybe next. This weekend we have activities with the kids and my 20 yr class reunion is Sat night. I am looking forward to meeting my fellow WLS in the WR area. Wendy
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