OT - Job News - sort of

on 10/4/04 5:00 am - Duluth, GA
Well, I finally got hold of the guy at Delta today. He said that they had already planned to do the readvertisement before all the interviews, etc. (yeah!!!). He said that basically it's in HR right now, and he really couldn't say any more. However, he DID sound encouraging, so maybe??? I've been so up and down about this for the last couple of weeks. Sheesh guys, give me a break However, I'm taking this as a hopeful sign. Hopefully, I'll hear something more by this Saturday or even before that. Wednesday would be nice - it's also my 25th anniversary!!! Maybe Saturday I'll be ready to See ya, and thanks for all your encouragement. It really helps!! Ann in Duluth
(deactivated member)
on 10/4/04 5:04 am - Warner Robins, GA
I have my finger & toes crossed as well as keeping you in my prayers. Tonya
on 10/4/04 5:07 am - Duluth, GA
Thanks Tonya. I'll take all the crossed fingers and toes (and prayers!!) I can get. Ann
on 10/4/04 5:24 am - Jefferson, GA
I am sending all my prayers and hugs your way. If I cross my fingers and toes it would be bad luck for me. No typing or walking! LOLOL Hugs, Debra
on 10/4/04 9:10 am - Duluth, GA
I'm already spastic enough without trying to walk with crossed toes... SO, I'll say a prayer for you instead! LOL!! Look forward to seeing you Saturday!!
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