After surgery

Robin P.
on 10/3/04 10:09 am - TN
I had surgery on Wednesday and i have been feeling light headed lately. Did anyone else experience this and if so how did you handle it? Thanks. Robin
on 10/3/04 10:21 am - Dacula, GA
Did you lose any blood? It could be the medications too...I had some surgery a month ago..and when I got up I was dizzy. They told me I lost some blood in the OR...but your body is going through lots of changes right now. To be honest...I am 10 months out and still get dizzy. I found a new PCP and am going to insquire about it. I had some inner ear trouble and maybe my BP is doing funny things. Congrats on being a post op! Sherry
Robin P.
on 10/3/04 11:06 am - TN
I dont think i lost any blood, but i got my period the other day. Could it be because of that?
on 10/3/04 1:44 pm - Duluth, GA
Robin, I truly don't remember..isn't that terrible? When is your next dr appt? Tami
on 10/4/04 1:28 am - Jacksonville, FL
Robin, In the early days I got light headed when my blood sugar was down. I would drink or sip apple juice or grape juice and it would help. To this day if I don'****ch it I get the light headedness and then I feel awful, the Dr told me it was my blood sugar. Good luck I hope this helps. lynn
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