Updated pre-op bags list
Just letting y'all know the bags were made for some and I've updated everything.
As it stands right now, it's around 13 dollars bag.. not bad for what it will bring the new post-op!
As it goes on, I'm sure more things can be added, but I had to get these mailed out now so I had to use what I had.
Ooh you can bring those.. I will drop them in the bags before I give them out. I have 2 I have to mail, but the others can be dropped in.
the paypal email is [email protected] but you can wait til the 9th if you want. I put the overage out of my pocket, but I got a paypal debit card so that afterwards, it will be easier to use and I'll take the donations and put in an envelope in my safe so I dont mix it in with my personal account. Maybe after a few months it can be passed off to another person so one person doesnt get sick of doing it lol