J. Gwevonne H.
on 10/3/04 4:00 am - Marietta, GA
Sending you well wishes Wanda. I know how you are feeling. I have 10 days to go and am nervous, I can't imagine what I will feel like the week of. I am not sure is nervous is the right word, I am feeling something, I just can't think of a better word for it. Prayer will get us all through and I will keep you in my prayers that you will find your peace. J
Debbie M.
on 10/3/04 6:54 am - Carrollton, GA
Hi Wanda, You know all of us in the Carrollton Support Group are excited for you and praying for your safe surgery and speedy recovery. I hope you have enjoyed the e-mails I've sent. Remember the Good Lord will not give you anything that you can't handle. Keep your eye on the goal and on HIM. Love and prayers, Debbie
denise d.
on 10/3/04 9:09 am - Smyrna, GA
Hang in there. Here is a big hug. You will do fine! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) denise (23 days to go and counting until surgery)
Melissa F.
on 10/3/04 11:56 am - Griffin, GA
Hi Wanda, I know what you mean. I had been so involved with getting the approval and waiting for a surgery date, that I hadn't focused on what was really going to happen. Those last few days I was anxious. Not focused anxiety either. I knew in my mind I was ready and that I had chosen this course because it was best for me and I was aware of the risks and rewards and mentally ready. But still this unease.... Day of surgery in the hospital as all the preop preps were being made, I had this unbelievable calm settle on me. It was right, it was here and I was ready. I'm six days post op and can't believe what a breeze its been. Having my gall bladder out 2 years ago was harder on me than this so far. Now I look forward to the journey ahead. Melissa
Ginger L.
on 10/4/04 4:05 am - Woodstock, GA
Wanda, Heres wishing you all the best!!! Hang in there girl! May God bless you! I will keep you in my prayers! Ginger
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