Distressed (Long Sorry)

J. Gwevonne H.
on 9/29/04 8:54 pm - Marietta, GA
Something happened at my surgeon's office on my last visit that has ben troubling me since. Besides the fact he cancelled my surgery a week prior to my surgery date stating I needed to loose weight when I am no close to his "cutoff weight limit". It wasn't anything clinical that raised my flag but something personal. I go tomorrow for another visit and hopefully another surgery date, but I've been thinking, what if I am not comfortable and would like to change surgeons, is it too late in the game for that or would I have to start the approval process all over again. Has anyone changed surgeons late in th WLS process and are you happy with the decision. Maybe it is my nerves, maybe, I read too much into it but it really has been bothering me since, and I will admit, I was upset with the cancellation, who wouldn't be, so maybe I am over reacting. I don't know, I think I am having a classic Lexapro moment, I am totally confused. Any suggestions? I will say this, my surgery was scheduled for 9/8/04, it was cancelled on 8/30/04.....I haven't thought about changing surgeons until 9/29/04.....does that sound more like anxiety? Thanks, J.
cathy M.
on 9/29/04 10:44 pm - hiram, GA
J, First, I must say that I don't have any info on changing doctors. I have no idea if the process has to start all over again, but I am sure that you will get an answer to that. I am sure that you are going through so much right now, I couldn't even begin to know how it feels to be so close to your surgery date, just to have it cancelled. My advice to you, for what it's worth, would be to go to your appt with a completeley open mind. I also think that you should maybe call around to some other doctors and talk to their staff to get some info on possibly switching. You are literally putting your life into your surgeons hands, and I feel that you or anyone should be as comfortable with him as you can possibly be. I hope that I have helped you, and please let us know how your appt went.. Good Luck Cathy Martin
on 9/30/04 12:07 am - Jefferson, GA
I can only imagine how you feel. I was upset because they called me and told me my surgery was postponed for 3 hours. I was highly upset. I don't know what I would have done if it had been cancelled all the way. My thouhgts are that you do what you have to do to be comfortable with your surgeon. You could call other docs and even call your insurance and ask them about changing and see what they say. If you need anything just yell. I will do what I can. Hugs, Debra
on 9/30/04 3:03 am - GA
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Only you should decide if you want to change surgeon's since you are putting your life in his hands. Anxiety and nervousness can play tricks with you but in the end I was at peace and not nervous at all because I believed in the Doctor I had choosen and in the decision I had made. I pray the same for you. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
J. Gwevonne H.
on 9/30/04 3:08 am - Marietta, GA
Thank you, I am going to proceed with an open mind to my appointment tomorrow.
on 9/30/04 11:13 am - Rincon, GA
I wonder why he waited so close to your surgery to cancel you at the last minute? I may be suspicious but I would feel like there are some other factors at work here. This decision may require prayer and in the end you may have to change surgeons. Do not take too long and you can call another good surgeon in your area and find out more info. Most of your paperwork probably has been done and they may have gotten the approval code already. Blessings to you and let us know what happens!!!
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