Will there ever be a happy ending?

on 9/29/04 6:25 am - st. marys, GA
I've been reading profiles and chats for months now. I made the decision to have the surgery after months of prayer and research. In June I finally stepped out of my bubble and took the first step. From June to Aug. things seemed to be going well. And then the brick wall...insurance... It's like they want to do everything in their power to make you give up and throw in the towel. Send in this information and that's not enough, send in more and that's not worded properly Now I know why people get so discouraged, the waiting and fighting is awful. I know that things will be fine and I will have the surgery and be healthier and happier, guess I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening... ,donna
Becky F
on 9/29/04 6:34 am - Woodstock, GA
Hugs to you, Donna!!! Sometimes, it does feel like you are jumping through hoops with concrete blocks tied to your ankles. LOL Keep the faith! It will happen! I had gotten to the point that I EXPECTED another obstacle when I finally got approval. The cool part about waiting is that it feels like Christmas day when you're little, and you've been VERY, VERY good! Vent away!!! We understand! Becky
on 9/30/04 8:14 am - st. marys, GA
Becky, you have quite a sense of humor I know that things will happen in God's time but patience has never been one of my strong suits. But I must keep the faith and strive forward, if we don't take the steps forward, who will? Thanks so much for the words of encouragement from everyone and from you Becky, thanks again. donna
on 9/29/04 7:03 am - Jefferson, GA
Hey Donna i know how you feel, my waiting has just started. My paper work was sent to the Insurance Co. last week, i don't really know how long until I can start calling them. I have Cigna. Has anyone had any problems with them? Good luck Donna, hope you get your approval soon. Keep me in your prayers, I'm going for a 2nd mammogram tomorrow at 1:30, they think they found a mass in my right breast. I am so scared, but I have to put it in the Lord's hands & I know he will take care of me. Keep in touch . Tammy
on 9/30/04 12:21 am - st. marys, GA
TAMMY DON'T WORRY....everything will be ok. I went through the same thing last year. Thanks for the encouragement..keep the faith...donna
on 9/30/04 12:01 am - lithonia, GA
Donna, I know how you feel I'm in the exact same situation you are but I can't find an insurance company who will even cover me. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you will keep me in yours. Let me know how everything works out for you. Connie
on 9/30/04 2:40 am - GA
I was one of the most impatient people when it came to this part of the journey. It was like okay I made the decision, I am ready, why is there all this hurry up and wait...doing all that insurance required etc. Finally I realized that I didn't put the weight on overnight and relax or I was going to have a heart attack or something from the stress I put myself under. I understand how you feel and you are in my thoughts and prayers for that happy beginning, Theresa
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