Moving Right Along

on 9/28/04 11:25 am - Jefferson, GA
Had my app review last week. All went well. Only needed to give them Letters of Understanding from me and my hubby which I faxed over today. Sleep person said that I did not need a sleep study. Went to PCP today to get Medical Clearance. There was a little irregularity on the EKG she ordered. She said no big deal, and gave me the clearance letter. I faxed that to surgeons office today too. The letter did say that I might consider seeing a cardiologist. I called the one she recommended, but they did not have an appt until next year. But hubby reminded me of the cardiologist he uses, and they just happened to have a cancellation next Tuesday morning, so I am in. I am hoping he gives me a cardio clearance right then, because I have my surgeon consult later that afternoon. The only things that should be left are my Psych evaluation, and then I have my nutritionist on 11/4. I am praying that I can get surgery scheduled by year end. Just found out that my insurance coverage is decreasing , and my outlay will be more next year. And.. on a better note, I have a small 2.5 lb Maltese that is 17 months old. Found out end of last week she has a liver shunt which can be fatal. She had surgery today, and came out with flying colors. I would have been devasted if anything happened to my fur baby
on 9/28/04 11:32 am - Jefferson, GA
Hi Maureen, Hope you get your approval very soon, I to am waiting on approval from my Insurance Co. I am having to go for another mammogram Thursday, mine came back that they found a mass so pray that it isn't anything. I'll keep you in my prayers for a fast approval & maybe soon we both can be on the loosing side. Glad your dog is okay, I have a Boston Terrier & he is like my child, so I understand. Tammy
on 9/28/04 11:36 am - Jefferson, GA
You are definitely in my prayers for your mamogram. I hope that all is okay for you and you can move right along with your Gastric surgery soon. Yep... its amazing how attached we get to our animals Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing
on 9/28/04 11:38 am - Jefferson, GA
Hey Tammy We are using the same surgeon.. Maybe we will meet up in Gainesville some day
on 9/28/04 11:44 am - Jefferson, GA
Sounds good, I'd love to meet you.
on 9/29/04 12:10 am - GA
WOOHOO, you are on your way. I pray that you are able to have the surgery before your coverage changes. I am so glad your fur baby is doing well. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
on 9/29/04 1:08 am - Jefferson, GA
Thanks so much for your good wishes You guys are the best
on 9/29/04 3:04 am - Jefferson, GA
My prayers and best wishes are with you also. You and Tammy are using the best doc in my book. Dr. Richards did mine and he is great. As for your dog I so glad he is okay. As you can tell by my name, I love animals too. I was told to get rid of them but they are my kids so they stay where they are! If you need anything, just yell. I will help in any way I can. What psych doc are you going too? Jenny the nutritionist is really a great lady. If you have any questions you can all her any time. Hugs, Debra
on 9/29/04 3:20 am - Jefferson, GA
Thanks Debra Yep.. I have three cats, a dog , and a rabbit. Got to love my little furry family Not sure on the Psych.. Waiting for my appt with Procter on Tuesday. Who did you use? Was it easy to get in to see them?
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