Friends ??? UGHHH

on 9/28/04 2:54 am - Conyers, GA
Ok this really has nothing to do with this board or anything but i am just burning up right now ...Back in Jan i wanted all my freinds to go somewere with my for my 30th birthday which is Nov 1. Ok so that is like 10 months to plan right .....Ok so i asked around what everyone would agree too ( granted it is my birthday and i should just pick were i wanted to go but me being nice and all wanted everyone there ) so i pick Vegas ...And my Freind Amy is paying for my way there and hotel ( i did this for her on her 30th ) so me and her are going and she made all the plans ....And guess what ...Everyone but my best friend bailed on me last month ...i was mad but i was like well if amy and jenn ( my best freind) goes it will be cool ....Well my best freind just bailed on me ..saying she is haveing money issues and she is in a wedding in Oct and all this crap ...Well i dont care ..I gave you 10 months to plan and save up for this and we are getting the hotle room at a great rate due to amy is a travel agent and gets good rates ....So i mean we are tlaking a plan tix ....And she is like well dont get mad you know what all i have to do this month ...Am i wronge for totally being hurt and mad right now .....I mean i went to Vegas and planned the trip for her 30th last year ....And i did give her 10 months to save and all and she knew this was important to me ......I Sooooo Don't wnat to turn 30 at all ....Man it just makes me feel like no one thinks about me they just think about themselves ...and mabey i am right but that sucks !!! Ok thanks for letting me get that off my chest !!! i still dont know what to say and all to get it thru to her she is a dont talk about it and it goes away type person .... Laura
cathy M.
on 9/28/04 3:06 am - hiram, GA
Laura, Wow, that just plain sucks.....I totaly can understand you being angry, hurt, and upset. I guess on one hand, it's pretty easy to say that a Vegas trip sounds good when it's 10 months away, but when it's right around the corner and you just don't have the money what can you do? I can totaly relate to the stress and feelings that you are having about turning 30, my birthaday is 10/29 and I am turning 30 as well. Good Luck, and I hope that you will still enjoy your birthday.... Take Care Cathy Martin
on 9/28/04 3:06 am
10 months is a long time....I agree. I also realize you did it for her. Sometimes you need to just vent and get it off your chest. I hope things work out so you can go.....(If you need a "third wheel" let me know and maybe I can swing is short notice - but I LOVE vegas!) Don't let her "not talk about it".....get her to talk and maybe she'll figure something out!
on 9/28/04 3:20 am - Atlanta area, GA
Laura, I understand that you are upset, but do not let this ruin your birthday. No, you may not be going to Vegas as planned, but you can still have a wonderful birthday. Do not try to force your friends to do something they cannot do, whatever the reason. Allow yourself one day (today) to be down in the dumps about this, but don't allow it to ruin your friendships. Are your friendships more important than this trip? I bet they are. Now get out there and have fun on your birthday!!! Debbie J Duncan patient 01-14-02 lap-rny 01-15-02 leak repair surgery (non smoker, non steroid taker) 01-29-02 surgery to see if I had another leak, NO thank goodness SEVERE COMPLICATIONS! 45 days in ICU, 33 days kept alive via ventilator 30 days in a rehab hospital, had to learn to walk again Now, one happy girl....LUCKY to be alive
Kay Holder
on 9/28/04 3:29 am - Mableton, GA
I'm so sorry! I would be hurt, too!!! it sucks to look forward to something for so long, and then have it *poof* If it doesn't happen, We can go somewhere with some of our Ga girls and we'll do ya right! Mine is in 2 weeks, and none of my friends or family have even mentioned doing anything, which is a yearly thing for atleast my family to go to dinner, we do at all birthdays, but F'em. (My friends, not my family) When my friends aren't happy with themselves, they can't be happy for me, and frankly, I'm sick of their **** I hope you get to go! Kay
(deactivated member)
on 9/28/04 4:10 am - Warner Robins, GA
Laura, I'm sorry that you are upset. I agree with Cathy Martin. We can get together and have a girl's night out in Buckhead or something! That sounds like a winner to me!! Tonya
on 9/28/04 5:01 am - GA
Man that is not fair. There are some terrific rates right now to fly to Vegas. I pray that you still get to go. I wish there was some magic words I could say to make you feel better but there isn't. I thought turning 30 would be a major traumatic experience but it turned out not to be as bad as I thought. I just turned 35 and feels like 40 is just around the corner. Offering ((((((hugs)))))) and prayers, Theresa
on 9/28/04 7:47 am - GA
I agree, that it is a real cheesy thing to back out after 10 months notice. But, it was poor planning on their part, not yours. Don't let them ruin your day, you only turn 30 once! I would go to the gift shop and get some beautiful post cards. Just write "Wish you were here! Signed, Guess Who" on the back and send them each one! My birthday is creeping up in November. I haven't said anything and neither has anyone else, they are just tippy-toeing around it. Shhhhhh, it is the big 5-0!!! Patti
Becky F
on 9/28/04 9:30 am - Woodstock, GA
Laura, Your best pal owes you big time! I have a feeling she will go out of her way to make it up to you! It is really "stinky" when people let us down. One big plus: You are turning 30, and you look GOOD, Girl!!! I hope you still get to go to Vegas, but, if not, make it special, because you deserve it!!! Big (((((hugs)))))!!! Becky
on 9/28/04 11:34 am - Conyers, GA
THANK YOU ALL !!! you are all great....I must say .....Welll i am still going to Vegas but it will just be me and my freind Amy who is a great freind .....I am jsut bumed that my best freind is a non planner and all and is backing out !!! i mean it jsut makes you feel like you have no value in their life ......BUT i will say think i think in Nov we all need to get together and do soemthing for me birthday or something fun and girly !!! i am very upset about being 30...UGHHH this is not something i want ...Granted i have heard life is better once your 30 so we will see ...... BUT THANKS FOR ALL THE KIND WORDS YOU ALL ARE GREAT !!!! Laura
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