Upper GI Today and Feeling Blue

Denise M.
on 9/27/04 2:58 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Hello Friends I have not posted much lately because I have been really down and a bit depressed. I did not feel I could give support and encouragement when I can't even pep myself up.... I am going on 7 weeks post op and am still experiencing intense vomitting.It is an almost daily occurance, and nothing seems to trigger it. I can drink water and start to It is just absolutely frustrating. I met with my Surgeon last week and he ordered an upper GI series for me which I had at 7:00 this morning. I guess I should have been happy when I heard the radiologist say everything looked great....I was so upset, because I want them to find out what it is and fix it. My surgeon said if there was nothing conclusive with this testing that an endoscopy was next. I go back to him on 10/6... So now this is just going to require more tests. Also in my mind, if everything looked great, then what in the heck is causing me to throw up like this? I just never had any idea that a human being could throw up so darn much! Meanwhile, I still can not keep much down. I am 43 lbs lighter so that is a positive. I am not going to dwell on the negative aspects of this..I just want to get to feeling semi human again... Anyway, wanted to update those of you who have sent me side emails to ask me where I am.. Denise
on 9/27/04 3:02 am - Duluth, GA
Oh Denise... I am SO sorry you are having such a hard time! I HAD wondered why I hadn't seen you lately, but I have been so darn busy and away from the boards myself, I figured I must have missed you. I hope they will find the answer to your problem when you go next week. Feel better soon. -Tami
on 9/27/04 3:07 am - Jefferson, GA
Hi Denise, hang in there. It will get better I pray. I do that once in a while but not like you are. I have a site listed here for you to go to and see if it will help you cheer up alittle. It has helped many of my friends. When I feel down or upset I go to it and it helps. Turn your volume up and I hope it helps. http://www.evo.hr/cat/ Let me know. My prayers are with you. Hugs, Debra
cathy M.
on 9/27/04 3:38 am - hiram, GA
Denise, I have been wondering how you have been doing. I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. I wish that this old post op had wonderful words of advice to give to alleviate the vomiting, but I don't. What I can give you is some kind words of encouragement, and to tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Denise, when you get over all of the bad stuff, and I truly believe that you will,you are so going to enjoy your weight loss. I'm smiling now at the thought of the first time you will see your collar bones, or notice your knuckles sticking out from the sides of your fingers, the first time that you will be walking in the mall and you see your reflection in the mirror, and you don't recognize yourself, the first time you have to get your wedding rings resized, well I guess you can get the drift of what I am trying to say. Please keep posting and letting us know how you are, again you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take Care, Cathy Martin
on 9/27/04 3:56 am - Jacksonville, FL
Denise, Hang in there girl. I hate that you have these problems. I know how crummie I feel when I overeat or eat to fast and have it come back up. I am so sorry for you. I actually get mad..lol Well you have my support and thoughts. Post and let us know whats going on we care and will be thinking about you. lynn
(deactivated member)
on 9/27/04 4:06 am - Warner Robins, GA
Denise, I have been thinking about you lately. I am so sorry that you are having a rough time. Does the Dr think there could be a stricture? I am hoping that maybe it is and when he goes in he can fix it and then you'd be all better. Hugs to you gal! I haven't forgotten about you. I think about you often. Tonya
on 9/27/04 4:54 am - duluth, GA
Hey, Denise I don't post alot, but I have been reading your post on your vomitting. I had the same problems. No one would listen. I was told that it was normal for a new post-op. Well i got to the point tha****er would not stay down. I had a stricture. I had an endoscope and was cured. The next day I could eat. It was amazing. I understand how you are feeling, but if it is a stricture the endoscopy will clear it up.Take care and congragulations on your weight loss. Serita 7/12/04 RNY OPEN DR. BURROWES 364/300
Becky F
on 9/27/04 7:31 am - Woodstock, GA
Oh, Denise, Big (((((HUGS))))) to you!!! I wish you could go back to the surgeon before the sixth. As an encouragement, please know that a dear friend was extremely nauseous for the first two months after her surgery, and now she is great! Keep us posted, Sweet Lady! Your weight loss is awesome! Becky
on 9/27/04 8:09 am - GA
Denise, I have missed you! I am so sorry you still are not feeling well. I have prayed that they find out what is causing this problem and correct it immediately. You are in my thoughts and prayers and if we can do anything for you please let us know. I am proud of your weight loss that is wonderful news at least. I hope your daughter is doing well. I wish I had word of wisdom to make the blues go away. Lots Hugs and prayers, Theresa
on 9/27/04 9:44 am - Warner Robins, GA
Hi Denise, sorry to hear you're still having problems. I'll be sending up good words for you. Hope you soon get to feeling better, we miss you around here. James
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