When does it stop?

on 9/27/04 10:05 am - Ringgold, GA
Now, dog-gone-it... that just irritates the fire out of me. I am so sorry Debra that people were so cruel to you. I know how it feels, truly, and it doesn't feel good. Wanna hear a really embarrassing story? One time my husband and I were at a hotel with a continental breakfast. While he was showering, I thought I'd be nice and go downstairs, get a bagel and some juice and coffee for both of us and have it ready when he got out of the shower. The guy at the front desk watched me trying to carry it to the elevator and told me that I shouldn't eat that much. I smiled (embarrassed) and said, "Oh, it's for my husband and I... don't worry." He stared hard at me and said, "sure it is." I went over to him and told him, again, that "honestly, you can look at my hotel registration and see that I am here with my husband." He just gave me a mocking look, and I left. I went up to the room, set down the breakfast and cried and cried. My husband came out, wondering what was the matter, and I thought he would blow a fuse when he heard how rude the man had been to me. When we left that day, we got the man's name, and then called to report him to his supervisor. We ended up getting a free weekend pass for two to stay there again. (like, duh... who'd want to repeat a horrible experience like that? ) I gave it to a friend... a thinner friend, who won't have to be publically shamed like I was! I share that just to let you know that I really DO understand... and feel for you. I believe that God has allowed me to experience this kind of abuse as a reminder that I am to be an instrument of His Love... something that this world needs something fierce. Blessings, lynnie
Lorri R.
on 9/27/04 3:14 pm - Tallapoosa, GA
Well, I'll tell ya. I quit being the "strong, silent type" years ago. I think people think it's alright to be nasty to fat people because we *don't* stand up for ourselves. I'm on a one-woman crusade to change that perception. If someone stares at me, I tell them to take a picture, it'll last longer. If some kid makes a smart comment as we pass, I tell him his daddy shoulda rolled over and shot him on the wall. If a carful of teenagers makes kissy noises or hollers Hey Big Mama I holler back You little boys couldn't handle it if I offered it to you. If someone makes a comment in a restaurant, I go over to their table and say Pardon me? did you have something you wanted to say to me? They always blush and say No, and I always say I might be fat, but I ain't deaf, and God hates a liar. Then I go back to my table. I've also been known to go up to people who illegally park in handicapped places and ask them if it's a psychological problem, since it obviously isn't a physical one. Yeah, I'm a gold-plated b*tch. POWER TO THE PORTLY!! Come up with a good one, Debra, and USE IT! I intend to keep up my crusade even after I become a loser... you know our finely tuned hearing will still pick up the mockery and laughter, even if it isn't directed at us anymore. Lorri
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