Tubes, Tubes, Tubes!

Bob I.
on 9/26/04 3:14 am - Columbus, GA
Just a few more hours and we will leave for Birmingham, Alabama. Then a quick night and a 6:00 am arrival for the express bus to loserville. (I bought a one way ticket) Firday I finished up pre-op and takled with the Happy Gas DR. he explained the various tubes, tubes, tubes and more tubes.... I must have turned a pale color then he reminded me I would be asleep..... I am a firm believer in DRUGS... My philosophy is: One shot feels good, Two shots feels better so lets have five or six... I was dissapointed a little they informed me I could not bring my lurkers rock to hide in with me. I guess you could say I will be exposed.... and with those lovely gowns...Exposed in more ways than one! Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words and kepp them prays streaming into the great throne room. SEE YA ON THE BUS TO LOSERVILLE
on 9/26/04 4:17 am - Jacksonville, FL
Bob, YEA the trip is exciting. I am post op 5 weeks. So I was just there on the bus trip to loserville. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Post when you can so let us know how your doing. lynn
(deactivated member)
on 9/26/04 6:49 am - Warner Robins, GA
Buckle up your seat belt, you're in for one heck of a ride!! I pray God guides you Surgeon's hands and brings you through with a speedy recovery. Hugs, Tonya
on 9/26/04 7:28 am - Jefferson, GA
Hi Bob, hang on cause you are in for one heck of a ride. I am almost 3 months post op and it had been wild. Drugs don't work on me so that's not fair. hahahaha have a safe trip and let us know when you get back home. Hugs, Debra
on 9/26/04 8:55 am - GA
Hang on my friend, we are making room on the bus for you as I type this. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
Patsy G.
on 9/26/04 8:57 am - GA
Hi Bob; Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers. Patsy
jennifer S.
on 9/26/04 8:57 am - conyers, GA
Carolyn A.
on 9/26/04 9:00 am - Monroe, GA
Bob I became a loser 4 months ago and I can say it has been the most exciting 4 months of my life. My prayers are with you as you enter into the loser's world. I look forward to hearing from you when you can post again. By the way those gowns were designed by a person with a warped sense of humor. Someone just wanted to see everyone make an a_ _ of themselves. Carolyn
on 9/26/04 9:58 am - Duluth, GA
HEY!! I LIKE this bus!! I'm often told I'm on a bus to hell, cuz I am such a smartass! LOL! Bob, I'm thrilled for you, I pray all goes well, and your recovery is an easy one. Please keep us posted when you can. What hospital will you be in? I'd like to call and check on you.... Take Care, -Tami
on 9/27/04 1:21 am - Americus, GA
Congrats and I hope things go well. I remember coming to and saying a few choice words...they made sure they gave me some extra pain meds and I was back into lala land. I member waking up with all those tubes. I especially liked that button I could push when I wanted more morphine.*S*HEHE...Let us know how things go Bob. Huggs Jamie
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