Not very friendly to newcomers

on 9/26/04 6:30 am
I'm sorry you feel like we're unwelcoming. As it's been mentioned in several posts on here we don't always see every post - nor do we all have the "right thing to say". I know a lot of the people who post regularly because I do enjoy being able to go to the gatherings we have. I found that we are a great bunch of open, loving, friendly, warm people. I hope that you stay around and see what kind of peole we are. If not I'm sorry. I'd ask that you re-consider. Best of luck to you!
on 9/26/04 8:53 am - GA
I too will express my apology that you didn't feel welcome. I have not found anyone on the GA board not to welcome and talk with everybody. I am sorry that your first experience was not the same. However, as others have expressed that is not usually the case and I do hope you will give us some time so that you can get to know us. This group has been an excellant source of support, prayers, friendship and advice. I pray that your journey be smooth and you have lots of ((((((((hugs)))))))) and support. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
on 9/26/04 9:49 am - Duluth, GA
Shree... I felt terrible about you feeling we were unwelcoming. I was a bit puzzled, because I couldn't understand why your name didn't ring a bell with me. I looked at your prior postings, and noticed this was only your 2nd post... The first was on 9-17, and I'm very sorry I missed it. Friday nights I don't even get to come home from work, as we are at high school football games until late. Both last weekend and this weekend were very busy for me, and I am just now getting to the computer to see what I have missed. I can understand that you may have felt unwelcome when you only had 1 reply to your first post. Please don't let that be your only judgement of us. At some point in time, we were ALL new to the board! I had been on the OH main board for almost a year, when Tonya L suggested I visit the main board... I jumped right in and haven't looked back. All have been very kind to me. I would like to cordially invite you to join us at our next outing on October 9th, starting around 6pm. We will meet in the Gwinnett County area this time. I am still checking into a few restaurants that would let us all sit TOGETHER instead of at split tables, and has a varied menu with a little something all of us can handle. We will laff and share stories and compare notes......and have an overall GREAT time! The only part about the get togethers I don't like, is I don't manage to get to everyone as much as I want to!!! Oh well, I have rambled on for a while here, I just hate it you felt left out. Howz about a "do-over"? Take care! -Tami
Amy Williams
on 9/26/04 1:51 pm
I can't wait for the 9th! I got a question? I had just a few friends on another message board that I'd like to invite, would that be a problem, they are in Atlanta also. i wasn't sure if there is a cut off number or something. Thanks Amy
on 9/26/04 9:29 pm
Amy, The more the merrier!!!! We welcome anyone that wants to come! -Dee Dee
on 9/27/04 1:50 am - Duluth, GA
I agree!! Bring them on!! I brought a friend from my surgeon's group last time, that was not a member of the boards...however, I will tell you..that she has been a "looky-loo" ever since!! She is liking the boards! You may see her soon! -Tami
on 9/27/04 1:01 am - Ringgold, GA
Tami, What a great suggestion for Shree! I would like to come too... may I? I live up in the Chattanooga area.... but I want to meet my GA WLSers. I'm having surgery in October and need the moral support! So, Shree... can you make it? Let's go! lynnie
on 9/27/04 1:59 am - Duluth, GA
Lynnie!! PLEASE COME!!! We would be thrilled!! Thrilled to have you BOTH! I hope she will read this and feel the "love". I really hate it that she felt left out. If you have any questions on how to get here, etc., I will have a map posted soon. Take care! -Tami
on 9/27/04 12:24 am - Americus, GA
Sorry that you feel that way. I think the surgery and our hormones make us feel things sometimes that aren't true. I know they have to me. I started out on the NC board and got a very rude response from someone. At that time, since I'm moving to Georgia in June, I started posting here in the GA room. I have found it to be nice and inviting and have actually( I think ) started making friends. I'm sorry you had a bad day, but this is a great place to chat and find support. I hope you choose to stay! Huggs! Jamie
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