Not very friendly to newcomers

on 9/26/04 12:13 am - Athens, GA
This group is not very friendly or open to newcomers. It's kind sad that it has a clique-ish kinda feel. I have noticed that when someone new posts there are very few people ( if anyone) that responds. I guess it is just like every thing else....either you fit or you don't. I came on here looking for information and support (and advice), but I think I came to the wrong place. I wish everyone the best of luck on thier journey.
on 9/26/04 12:32 am - Warner Robins, GA
Hi Shree, I'm sorry that feel that way, personally I've never felt this board was clique-ish. I admit that I don't post that often, but when I have, the responses have been positive. I'm currently getting the final bits of information together for submission to my insurer, so I don't have a great deal of advice to render, but I would be interested in hearing from you and think that given a little time, you'll find the folks here on this board aren't really all that bad after all. I wish you the very best on your journey as well. James Lamb
on 9/26/04 1:00 am - Ringgold, GA
Shree, I'm sad that you feel overlooked here. I am brand new myself, so I understand how it feels to want someone to notice and take an interest in us. We sure do need support, don't we? My weight has always made me feel "out of place" in groups, and it is easy to feel like I don't "fit" in and that others are having much more fun and have many more friends than I do. But, honestly, I don't think that's true. Friendships take time to build... and learning to trust people takes time too. Don't leave yet... allow yourself to be known, and get to know a few of the folks here too. I think you will be glad that you did. And though I don't know much from experience yet about WLS... I offer you my support! God bless, Lyn
Sheila M.
on 9/26/04 1:35 am - Athens, GA
Shree, I am sorry if I have made you feel this way. PLease don't go away, I will be here for you. I know how important it is to have support. I am a brand new Post-OP but any information I can help you with I will be glad to. I would love to be your sister in WLS. Sheila
(deactivated member)
on 9/26/04 1:59 am - Warner Robins, GA
Sheree, I am so sorry that you feel that way! I sometimes feel bad when I don't respond to everyone, but I just don't have the time nor do I always know what to say. I know the weekends seem to be slower than during the week here. Give us another chance to make you feel welcome and to make you feel apart of this group, b/c you are apart of it already. It may seem clique-ish b/c so many have been posting so long and then we have met up on several occasions. But we aren't. Newcomers are ALWAYS welcome. I hope you stick around and get to know us, I think your opinion may change. So, what do you say...will you give us another chance? Hugs, Tonya
Becky F
on 9/26/04 2:15 am - Woodstock, GA
Many people are very busy over the weekend! I am fairly new here (about three and a half months), and I definitely do not see a clique! Please stick around, Shree!!! Did I miss your posts? Please ask again! Everyone fits here...truly! Hugs!!! Becky
Amy Williams
on 9/26/04 3:03 am
Shree, I must have missed your posts. I don't always get here that often. I hope that you will stay around, we are here to answer your questions and help anyway we can. I don't think anyone on this forum is clique-ish. I've always felt welcome. You have to just jump right in, if we don't know you need all of us we can't help. Let us know how we can help? Amy
on 9/26/04 4:31 am - Jacksonville, FL
Shree, I have mixed feelings on your post. First this board has been a life saver to me. However as all relationships that are successful it has to be a give and take. Second it has to be patient. and third is has to understanding. Most of us on this board do not post on the weekends. A lot of us on the board read and post while we have time from work. Our families take our number one priority on the weekends. As for the clique-ish thing this is the only board I feel from Obesity help that is not that way. Very rarely will you read an ugly word on the GA board. As I read the replys so far you can see that no one meant to upset you. I also see them asking you to try us again. IF you believe that the clique is from the postings you read from last weekend, well I'm sorry. The entire GA board was invited to meet and greet each other at Dave and Busters. I rode up there with Phyllis and Robin whom I did not know from Adam. I went so I could meet those that showed up. I had to take a leap of faith and go as I am not outgoing in new situations. I was very self conscious as to my feelings of being overweight, appearance and who I am. However I went and had a blast. I will not miss a monthly get together. Next month it will be in your neck of the woods. Maybe you will consider going. You will laugh until your side hurts. No one will purposedly hurt anyone on this board as we all have been there with feelings on our sleeves. Still will as time goes by as we all have to deal with a lifetime of issues dealing with our weight. Hope these comments help. lynn
Harriett H.
on 9/26/04 5:17 am - Alpharetta, GA
Welcome to AMOS. I'm sorry you fell that way but the people here are very frindley and will answer youe questions if they can it's a good group here. I've only been on this board sence June they have all been very helpful I had my surgery very fast saw the Dr June the 8th and had surgery July 29th and they were all there for me.My Angle was great she was at the hospital the day of surgery and came back to see me again. I went to my first get together this last month we had a blast everyone was great. There are a great group hope you decide to stay with us you are very welcome.Sorry if I didn't see your post but have not been on the board for several days. God Bless Harriett
cathy M.
on 9/26/04 5:57 am - hiram, GA
Shree, I am so sorry that you feel the way you do. I am fairly new here myself, and when I first posted I felt very welcome. I am not a new post op, It will be two years next month, I have found that some issues I have, most people on this board don't. Having said that, I feel that the one thing that this board has an abundance of, is support. I hope that you will stick around and find out for yourself. Good Luck Cathy Martin
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