Lorri R.
on 9/23/04 4:03 pm - Tallapoosa, GA
Went to my consult with Dr. Bryan Freeman in Anniston, AL, and it's now been set in motion! I've had my ultrasound, my H. pylori test, and my psych consult. I have an 8.3 cm left lobe on my liver, some fat infiltration , and negative for H. pylori. AND even though I've had 2 hernia repairs on the right side using mesh, I'm most likely a good candidate for lap surgery! Dr. Freeman does proximal RNY only. We watched a tape with Carnie Wilson, who was done by the surgeon who trained Dr. F and did his RNY, then discussed just about every aspect we could think of regarding the surgery, expectations, risks, benefits, post-op nutrition, The 4 Rules, the ramifications of non-compliance, and psychosocial changes. His daughter Sarah Freeman-King led the discussion, and she's had the surgery too, looks fantastic. Several of the people in his office have had the surgery, so there is a huge support system there of people who know exactly what it's like to be obese, and exactly what the surgery and post-op period entail. Dr. F was in surgery, but he popped in between patients to meet us all, learn our names, and shake our hands. He led us all in prayer first, then talked to us a little about the surgery, the risks, and their philosophy at the clinic. I have to admit, I was a little worried about his deep religious dedication, because I hold views on spirituality. I guess you could best describe me as a meditative spiritual animist. I was concerned he would be a proselytizer, but no, he is just very spiritual and God-centered, and that is okay by me, since I'm very spiritual and Supreme Power centered. I felt totally comfortable with the prayer. My psych consult was with the pastoral counselor they have there, Greg Boden. He too is a very pleasant man, and was satisfied I understood the realities of the procedure and the repercussions of non-compliance. I told him the truth when he asked "How compliant do you think you'll be", and said that no one is 100% perfect, but I would be mostly compliant with the eating and with exercise. Non-compliance with eating will be punished by my pouch; non-compliance with exercise would be on the order of taking a day off every now and then. He was pleased that I understood myself so well, and wouldn't guilt myself to death when I slip up. All in all, I'm excited, happy, thrilled, and feel like I'm finally taking my weight problem by the horns! I'm IN CHARGE of it now! All I have to do now is wait for UHC to approve me.... I'm hoping to have surgery as close to Dec. 15 as possible, that's when Fall quarter is over. Y'all all say a prayer for me to be approved!! With a BMI of 54.9 according to the clinic, as well as 3 comorbs--diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol--it should be a cinch! Lorri Too giddy to sleep!
on 9/23/04 4:16 pm - Duluth, GA
Well ALRIGHT Miss Giddy!!! You have begun your journey "down the yellow brick road!" I pray things move along for you! God Bless! -Tami
on 9/23/04 10:50 pm - Hawkinsville, GA
Congrats Lorri! I had a good consult yesterday with Dr. Duncan too. Things are moving right along. I found out I have to have a stress test for my cardiac clearance -- not because I weigh 2 tons...but because I'm over 40. That really bites! Anyway, I'm on schedule for my Oct 13 surgery. We'll be on the losing side together soon I hope! Robin
denise d.
on 9/24/04 3:09 pm - Smyrna, GA
Congratulations to both of you! Robin, as a person who spends a great deal of time at work abusing people by doing stress tests on them, let me give you some advise ---- Beg for mercy before and just remember that it will be over in a few minutes. Contrary to popular belief we don't want to kill you during the test
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