this messages is for everyone.... But mordean RyaN NEEDS to read please

on 9/23/04 12:28 pm - Monroe, GA
Hi everyonne well as i posted today about my aggravation with phscy evAL i realized that it is frustratig but you know only in Gods time will this happen also people posted back telling me there wait and things like that i was complaining for little reasons.. Modean Carolyn Abbott told me to ask you if you new of any physcologists in Gwinnet Clark counties are close bye to Monroe that may be able to do physc eval for 560.00 are less that i would possibly get back in 2 weeks because after Jan my insurance may change i need the surgery before then or if anyoe else knows please let me know i would truly appreiciate it..
on 9/23/04 1:10 pm - Duluth, GA
Hi Samantha... My surgeons office DOES have a psychiatrist they use, and all I can remember is that is name starts with a "T". They have made changes since I went through the program, and I didn't use this guy.... However, here is the number for Obesity Solutions... Phone: 770-534-0110 Toll Free: 877-921-0110 You can ask them who they use for the psych evaluation. I'm SOOO sorry I cannot remember his name...If I think of it, I will email it to you. You might also want to call Dr. Christopher Hart's office (in Duluth) to see who he uses. I hope this helps! -Tami
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