What to do?
Here's a weird thing I noticed today....
Today was one of the first days at work, I actually started feeling
Now, at 270, I am certainly no skinny, but it's a far cry from 340.
I noticed today, that I don't know where to put my hands!! LOL!
Used to, I would cross them over my predigious belly in hopes of hiding it. Not to mention, it made a great resting place for those really heavy arms. Today, I put my hands on my hips, and noticed I could actually feel the front and back of my hips instead of just some large mass of BLOB.
My rings are spinning around like pinwheels on my fingers, and I am going to have to take them off soon.
My fingers feel really neat, and I enjoy the feeling of putting my hands together, just to see how it feels to actually be able to intertwine my no longer ridiculously bloated fingers...that used to poke out like a porcupine when clasped together, cuz they were too fat to fold over.
I actually even crossed my legs in a meeting today!! Only for a minute, cuz I'm still not really able to do that comfortably, without feeling like I am really having to work to keep them that way.
Even typing on my keyboard is different, cuz I got this ergonomic keyboard, cuz my body was too wide for my hands to come together in the center to work off a regular keyboard. Now, my hands feel so much smaller.
But do you get where I am coming from? I feel very different in my own skin!! NOT COMPLAINING mind you, just don't really know how to act.
I don't mean mentally, cuz I am me, come fat or come thin, but do I cross my arms? That's cool, cuz when I used to do that, I looked like Buddha. It feels really neat to cross them AND be able to look normal. I find I use my hands in my speech a lot more, because I like the way my hands are starting to look again (especially after a good manicure). My feet slide in and out of my shoes...
My boobs (sorry guys) are not filling up my "hydraulic lift" bras anymore! LOL! I gotta get NEW ONES! WOWZA!!! When I took my shower this morning, I really started to pay attention to the fact I can reach places on my back, back of legs, lower legs, feet, etc. that I couldn't reach anymore.
I go to a counselor a couple of times a month, just to make sure I'm staying in perspective, and I rearranged myself on his couch, he stopped talking and said, "Did you just see what you did?" I was clueless. He pointed out, in the past when I needed to adjust how I was sitting, legs under me, moving them to the floor, etc, that I would literally stand up completely, and this time, I just leaned forward and moved about effortlessly. I could have hugged him!! I DIDN'T notice!! SOO cool. Now that he mentions it, I had gotten to where, when I wanted to roll over in bed, I would (in a dead snooze) stand up out of the bed, and reposition myself, cuz it was too difficult to try to flip this big ass body!!
This is all just such amazing feelings and as wonderful as they are, I feel like a stranger in this ol' bod!!
Do any of you get this, or am I just rambling again? (Don't answer the 2nd part!
Have a great day!! ISN'T IT GORGEOUS OUTSIDE!!!!????

Ya know - I've noticed very similar things. My rings are huge on me....but I'm not going to get the sized just yet. I have a bracelet that I haven't been able to wear for years cause my wrist was too fat - that I wear regularly now. Most of my clothes are so huge on me that I feel like I could fit another person in my pants.....the crotch is down to my knees in most of my pants. I went today at lunch just to try on some new pants cause I'm wantin to get some new one's - and discovered that I'm FINALLY in the 22 range on the bottom (COMFORTABLY!) I can finally fit into the pants that Laura C. so graciously donated!!! (YIPPIE) My tops are usually a bit smaller than my bottoms - cause I'm pear shaped...yuk.
I know a lot of what you're feeling....I'm not complaining either. 99.9% of the time I'm completely happy with my decision to have this surgery. It's when I'm having an emotional meltdown that I miss my comfort food.....oh well....I can't miss it too much since I can't have it any more!.
I'm liking the results too much to go back to too many old ways!
I'm glad you're having the wonderful feelings......keep up your fabulous work!

Hey Girl!! Congrats on the new SMALLER pants!!!
I understand about the food thing. I was driving around at lunch, had extra time, and that was when I would normally go hunting something nummy to eat. That's when it hit me, that food is not the source of joy it once was...it is just something I do to sustain myself...That's a good thing!
Finally learning to eat to live and not living to eat! YEAH BABY!!!
Hope to see you next time!!
I am so happy for you! This is the payoff for the things we do to get to this place with ourselves and to be noticing these things already is awesome. I am so proud of your progress that I laughed and cried at the same time when reading this post. Thanks so much for sharing. I look forward to the time when I can share the same. God Bless you and yours, Theresa.