I will be there, and hopefully with a fellow WLS-er that you guys have not "met" as she doesn't have computer access just yet.
Also...last minute... my 14 yr old, Christopher will be joining me...but he will spend a lot of time at the games, I am certain. It's just I realized I had plans all three nights of the weekend, and I just didn't feel right dumping him all three nights....soooo.... I asked him if he wanted to come.

Hi Mary!
Worry not your mind!!
I really DO get plenty of sleep, but sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night... The post this morning was at 7am before I left for work.
I have a laptop that sits on the arm of my recliner couch, and sometimes, I fall asleep on the couch....when I wake up before going up to my room, I get on the computer sometimes...
TRUST ME!! My sleep is VERY important to me.
Just ask my kids when they try to get me up early on a Saturday morning!

I may not be coming now. The hurricane has flooded my house and I'm presently waiting on the adjuster to come out. I'm just so down from it that I don't know how I'm gonig to feel tomorrow evening. I've got a long few days ahead of me cleaning up the damage.
If I'm there - then I'll be there - if not I'll catch you guys next time.
Dee Dee