*After surgery accomplishments*
Okay - I just want to see what everyone's responses will be. What was/is the first accomlishment you have had happen (Or want to happen?)
For me I think the neatest thing I've seen so far was being able to see "space" when sitting behind the steering wheel of my car....(And no longer having to use a seat belt extender LOL)
oh yeah - that and fitting into old clothes that I haven't been able to get in for a long time (That are now huge on me!)
Oh - one more thing - crossing my legs....gotta love it!
I'm just curious.....LOL.....
What a great idea!!
I'm not so sure that you can call it an accomplishment, but it was one of the most meaningful things to happen to me.....
Spending the day with my husband and two boys, at the Zoo. I didn't get tired and have to keep sitting down, I never wished for them to get tired so that we could go home, It was a wonderful day. Since then, we have gone to the Zoo lots of times, but I will never forget that day.
Also, last fall I went back to Arizona to attend my 10 year high school reunion.( I would have never gone before if I didn't have the surgery)No one recognized me!!! Of course, they didn't know that I had surgery, and it was such a wierd feeling to be the skinny one!!!The majority of them had gained weight, even the Popular Cheerleaders!!!!!!
Thanks for putting a smile on my face today
Take Care
Cathy Martin
OK lets see here .......What was a cool thing for me ....I think or i would have to say is seeing that space inbetween my thighs when i am standing ...It is small but it is finally there LOL LOL and also i went to Cedar Point with my friends over labor day ( that is like 6 flags) and there are two roller coasters and they say if you are over a size 18 really you will not fit ...Well we were kinda worried since i am hippie and all that i still might not fit ...but i did .....It was tight but i made it ...That was great cause i never would have before ...not even close !!!
and yes crossing my legs all the time now ....That is cool .....

Walking without my legs(thighs) rubbing together.
My "skinny stuff" hanging in the back of the closet being too big.
Men checking me out.
Tossing out all those RX that I dont need anymore.
Not having mean folks call me names or make cow/pig sounds when I walk by.
Geez, I could go all day cause the good out weighs the bad by a mile!
I just love being able to cross my legs !! I get my husband to drive now when he is with me so I can cross my legs in the car. There is so much I love to do now. I can keep up with my husband and run off and leave him , if I want to. He is 6'4" and I'm 5' 3" . He used to have to walk slow when we were together. I'm not afraid to sit on anybody's funiture . I used to think will this chair hold me ? Lord, I just enjoy life so much now !! I went to my doctor (PCP) yesterday and I had lost 50 pounds since I had been to him ( 79 pounds all together ) . He just kept telling me how good I looked and he was so proud that I've gotten off all my shots and pills. Ain't God good !! Judy
Well, where do I begin?
The neatest thing is, this is the first time in my daughter's life (and she is almost 22) that we actually went shopping together at the same store, and I was able to try on clothes too. We were in dressing rooms next to each other. It was so cool. I would show her what I had tried on, and she would show me what she had tried on. It was an absolutely wonderful feeling!
Being able to sit in the chairs in our lunch room at work and fitting with even extra room on each side ... Not touching the sides as I used to.
I love roller coasters and now I can ride them all!
Of course crossing my legs!
Not being recognized by people who haven't seen me for a long time.
The list is endless.
Standing for longer than 2 minutes without my back feeling as if it will break.
Walking UP the hill from the football field without stopping to breathe! AND walking up it a SECOND time lugging instruments off the field!! BIG HUGE DEAL! I felt like WONDERWOMAN!
Wearing my heels again.
Taking pride in my appearance again. I had completely given up...had quit wearing makeup, doing anything different with my hair, etc.
The extra energy I have to just to mundane functions.
Having people that know me ONLY by phone (at work) tell me regularly...
"You SOUND great!! You SOUND like you feel so much better!"
When people ask me how I am doing, responding with "FABULOUS or PHENOMENAL" and MEAN it!
Looking forward to going to outings with friends on the weekend instead of trying to figure a way out of going, so I can sit on my couch and be a slug.
Ok... I'll stop.
Hope to see you all Saturday night!!

Well, haven't had my surgery YET, but here is the NUMBER ONE THING I WANT TO DO:
Saddle up my horse, get on him FROM THE GROUND, ride off somewhere, then ride back and GET OFF HIM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.
Right now I have to get the full size pickup up to the barn, get on the tailgate while my husband leads Joe up, step onto him, get Mike's help getting my foot in the stirrups, ride around in the front pasture, then ride Joe over to the pickup, carefully step OFF him, then ease off the tailgate.
Makes it almost not worth riding! And I sure can't go off the place or even ride alone because I need Mike to steady the horse by the truck, and if I needed to get off I'd fall because my legs won't support me, and then I'd never get back on.
That's MY goal...