What's in you cart?

(deactivated member)
on 9/12/04 11:09 am - Warner Robins, GA
WEll, many of you read my post the other day about snacking on too many carbs. After thinking about it further and receiving so much advice from my fellow WLSers I decided it was time to regroup. I took inventory of my fridge and cupboards and hit the store. I have armed myself with "plan" approved foods and snacks. In my cart I have..... Cottage Cheese-lowfat small curd(love to eat with tomatoes or with fruit) Yogurt- dannon lite & fit carb control (vanilla & blueberry) Cheese- individually wrapped 1-2oz squares of cheedar cheese. Cold Cuts- Boars Head Lean Ham- to use in salads or wrapped around cheese. Eggs- to make deviled eggs or just to have some hard boiled eggs on hand for meals or snacks. Fresh fruit & veggies Canned fruit- peaches & pears in own juice. I like in my cottage cheese, s/f jell-o(yep, still like it. especially lime w/ cubed pears), and love pears with cheese S/F Fudge-cicles- just cuz they taste so sinful but they're not!! Salad fix'n- I am on a salad kick these last few days! Albcore Tuna in the pouch- Quick to grab for lunch. Ok so these are some of the items I have armed myself with to help beat the carb monster. They are quick, convenient, and nutritious! What's in your cart?
on 9/12/04 11:47 am - Duluth, GA
VERY similiar to MY cart!! Eggs Snack sized cups of applesauce, and Pineapples S/F Jello S/F Pudding Cheese "Sticklets" Deli meats various soups s/f popsicles frozen grilled chicken strips easy for microwave I can always tell when I have done too many carbs...the weight stops coming off for a while... -Tami (Now down 65 pounds as of today!)
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/04 12:14 pm - Warner Robins, GA
Hey Tami! We should open a gastric bypass cafe. A pot of chili or a can of soup could feed hundredsLOL Tonya
on 9/12/04 12:18 pm - Duluth, GA
LOL! Yeah, but if they only tip a percentage of the checks, the tips would SUCK!! LOL!!!! Hey.. I just posted my 2 month anniversary pics....wanna see? Here's the link!http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p=999&gid=5101467&uid=2328205&members=1
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/04 12:24 pm - Warner Robins, GA
Tami- You look great! I can really see it in your face and neck.....I even noticed your legs are smaller. You go girl!! Can't wait to see you again! Tonya
on 9/12/04 12:31 pm - Duluth, GA
Thank you Dah-ling!! You are so kind... I swear, the back pics look like I got BIGGER!! I look forward to seeing LESS of you too, next week!!!
on 9/12/04 12:36 pm - Hawkinsville, GA
Well Miz Tami, I'd say those shorts are getting a little baggy there...and well that shirt isn't fitting isn't any more! ISN'T IT GRAND??? Congrats girl! You look Mahhhhvelous! Robin
on 9/12/04 3:58 pm - Jonesboro, GA
I have just fruit, cabbage, cherrios, and lactacid milk (regular). Mrs~Jackson
on 9/13/04 2:16 am - GA
You guys open the cafe' and I will be there with bells on. I too have the individual wrapped cheddar cheese (helps with portion control), mozerella sticks, lean deli meat, lean ground beef, s/f pudding, (sick of s/f jello though). Hugs and prayers to my , Theresa
on 9/13/04 2:54 am
okay - I feel like I'm being "bad" but I honestly don'****ch for the "sugar free" stuff - or diet anything.....I still have such a hard time eating - and keeping it down that I basically live off salads. When I'm not eating salad I do eat things like a teaspoon of sloppy joes or about half a taco - I love nachos and cheese....I can eat about 5 and I'm full. I also LOVE vegetables....sweet potatoe casserole or broccoli rice casserole, cabbage, breen beans, corn, peas, steamed broccoli. As far as buying things....I don't buy much.... in fact I can't remember the last time I went to the grocery store for "real" groceries. I'll pick up a six pack of cottege cheese and cans of pineapple.....YUMMY - or I'll get some fruit. But I don't buy groceries! I don't think I'm really doing anything wrong...I'm still loosing weight and know that what I eat now will effect me down the road, but I can't eat enough to justify feeling guilty about it! My biggest down fall is hard candies!!!! I LOVE the creme savers. (Usually one will curve my sweet tooth though!) Oh well....guess I need to re-look at what I eat!
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