I need a head count for Next Saturday
We usuallly meet around 6 O'clock.. is that okay for everyone? if anyone has any other suggestions throw them out..
I need a head count, even if you've already told me you were coming..
I75 North to Delk Road. Turn Left. Go 1/2 mile to Franklin Road, turn left. Go 1/8th of a mile, turn left on Northwest Parkway. Dave and Busters is right there. i will reserve the table under Amos, so ask for the Amos group.. or you can help but see us if you look around.
Directions with pictures:
I just wanted to say that I will be thinking about all of you this coming weekend. I made it back to Michigan safely. Did some marathon driving to get back for some meetings I had in our state capitol before finally arriving home.
I really enjoyed myself with you last month and hope to get an opportunity to go out with you again sometime when I come back to Atlanta.
If you ever travel to Michigan, please contact me, and will be glad to visit with you here. I travel across the state for business all the time and just may be close to where you are.
May God Bless you all,
John Niemela