Looking for Online Support

LaToya W.
on 9/10/04 11:28 pm - Conyers, GA
Hi my name is LaToya Watson. I have been considering the the sugery for several years have been approved got to scheduling and cancelled. I finally have decided I am going to have the surgery. I am approved and I have a surgery schedule date of September 21st. The date is getting closer and I am becoming more and more nervous. I just recently moved to Conyers and don't have any family here just a few friends. If any one would like to email me talk to me and give me some type of support or positive feedback. Most of my friends are very negative about the surgery and are telling me not to do it. My email address is [email protected]
on 9/11/04 5:04 am - Hawkinsville, GA
Welcome LaTonya! You have come to the right place for support. I'm still pre-op, my surgery is scheduled for October 13. I know there are actual support groups that meet in your area but I don't know the details of any of them. Glad to have you join us! Robin
LaToya W.
on 9/11/04 5:19 am - Conyers, GA
Thank you, where is Hawkinsville? I have been to a couple of meetings in my area. The group that I have attended meets every 1st thursday at Rockdale Hospital.
on 9/11/04 9:21 am - HOSCHTON, GA
Okay Latoya , You've got my support and everybody else on this message board and all the other message boards !!! I was so afraid to have this surgery , but after reading the message boards and getting to know all this people I had the surgery !! I have not been sorry for one minute . I had surgery on March 31, 2004 and I've lost 77 pounds and I was wearing a size 22/ 24 and now I wear a size 14 !!! I've got 27 more pounds to my goal weight and I feel great . I was taking 14 pills and 2 to 5 insulin shots a day before the surgery and now I take a thyroid pill and an antidepressant. That's all, 2 pills a day. Just get on this board when you're feeling down and we'll lift your spirts. Judy
Denise M.
on 9/12/04 12:45 am - Stone Mountain, GA
LaTonya, We are semi neighbors give or take a few miles. Girl, listen to your inner self and the with those who can not support you. I am a month post op today, and I made up my mind I was doing this no matter who said what. You are doing this for YOU and NO ONE ELSE! It is a tough and hard road, but it is for health reasons and a better opportunity at life. This surgery is no joke, and should not be taken lightly. You have to be strong in mind and strong in prayer. We are here for you, and we will support you. Please feel free to email me- You can send it via my profile. Take care and God Bless! Know the Ga Board is here to support you! Denise
Baby G.
on 9/12/04 1:43 am - GA
Latoya, I can't tell you how much this board has helped me. I have cried, laughed, learned, listened and been encouraged. Trust me just get on the board and post, email someone on the board and you will get what you need. Also, stay in prayer and God will watch over you. Email me anytime you like. I have not had surgery yet either. I will keep you in my prayers.
on 9/12/04 9:50 am - Butler, Ga
Hi Latoya, You have made the right decision! With coming here for support and havig the surgery done. I too have decided to have the surgery and I go tomorrow for my psych(i'm sure i spelled that wrong, but you know what i mean) evaluation and my initial appintment with the surgeon. I've ran across alot of negative talk from friends and family too. I think that mostly this comes from not being educated about the surgery. You know in your heart what is right for you. I am here anytime you want someone to lean on. I can't give you much advice as I am going through the same things. You have a date already and I haven't gotten that far yet. You are in my prayers. You can email me at ****[email protected]. Take care!
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/04 10:51 am - Warner Robins, GA
LaToya, I agree with the others...you have come to the right place. This group has been a life line for me pre-op and now post-op. I couldn't have gone through this journey without the love and support from this board and my local support group. SO I say welcome! Just jump in gal...you are now a family member of the GA board. Hugs, Tonya
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