Anyone know what the cardiac and pulmonary clearance involves?

on 9/10/04 6:46 am - Ringgold, GA
I'm approved for surgery, but still have these two dr. visits to complete. What are these tests (requirements) like? My surgeon will be Dr. Dennis Smith in Woodstock, GA... any feedback on him???? Blessings, Lyn
Kathy H.
on 9/10/04 11:22 am - bethlehem, GA
Lyn, I think the test they do depend on what your condition is, but I can tell you what mine was. When I went for cardio, I had a stress test and then an echocardiogram. The stress test was..they hook you up to an iv. Then they run an ekg. then you lay on a table, while a machine takes pictures. Then, they take you back in the room and shoot some horrible medicine in your iv. It makes you feel queasy, your heart race, and makes you short of breath. It lasts for four minutes, and they measure your heart beat while you have this drug in you. It's not as bad as it sounds though. Then, they let you go eat, usually ask you to eat something fattening...isn't that funny? Then, you go back and take more pictures. Thats all to that. The echo is just an ultra sound of your heart. It was can see and hear your heart and all the veins, etc. It is painless. The puliminary is usually just breathing into a bag or container. You may get chest xrays. So, that is my experience. But, I am interested to did you get approved without having these done first? Good luck, Kathy
Barb in S. GA
on 9/10/04 2:09 pm - Dawson, GA
I may be wrong, but I think the clearance from a cardiologist and pulmonologist is for the surgeon's benefit rather than the insurance company. The insurance company only needs to know that the surgery is medically necessary, which can be ailments that are already established by the PCP or other medical specialists. Anytime you have major surgery, the surgeon is going to want to know the condition of your heart and lungs. This is for both your and his protection. Barb
on 9/10/04 2:30 pm - Ringgold, GA
Barb, I appreciate this... I'm sure you're right. I am more worried about what they might find out about my heart, than I am about the WLS... is that silly?! Thank you (and Kathy) SO much for answering my concerns... Blessings, Lyn
on 9/10/04 2:28 pm - Ringgold, GA
Kathy... I have BCBS, and they didn't require it... these are what my surgeon requires. He is careful because he doesn't want to lose anyone on the table! I'm grateful... but I guess I'm afraid... what if something IS wrong. I've been eating fattening stuff for so many years, that I may have totally clogged up my arteries. This obesity is such a bummer... Thanks, Kathy... for the help. Lyn
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