INSPIRE US! What's your story??

Amy Williams
on 9/8/04 6:22 am
We have so many people that come here everyday and alot of people that post on a regular basis that don't talk much about their stories. So if you are willing I'd love to know your story. Let's inspire each other I know I could read your profiles, but I thought it would be nice to narrow it down and write something here As for my story in brief... I've been overweight/obese/morbidly obese/super obese since about age 9. When I was 14 years old I weighed 297 pounds. I'd struggled all my life to lose. When I was 18 years old I met a lady who changed my life or now I know she did. Her name was Jewel Marie. She was one of the first people I had actually spoke with who had surgery. She died about 3 years ago now. At the time I had met her I was morbid obese, but would have never considered surgery. The thought was always there, I often wondered what "thin" would be like. Even though I was morbidly obese, I felt happy. It wasn't up until June 2001 that I started to realize "Amy you have a problem." I had fallen down some concrete steps, right after that my legs started doing some weird stuff. Here I was my legs are swelling and I started my depression. The same year 9/11 happened. I was glued to the TV most of the time crying. Even though I wasn't in all the devastation I fell into an even greater depression, the images would go over and over in my mind. I couldn't sleep. I was eating on top of all of this. Months past and I still was not happy. My mobility was slowly going down to nothing. I got to where I didn't even want to leave my house, it felt "safe" to me. If I didn't see people I didn't have to face my fears, I didn't have to answer to anyone. My husband and I owned our own business and I got to where I didn't want to even go into the shop to see people. It just got worse from there, our business went bad. I woke up one day and realized I had no life to speak of and my thoughts went to Jewel Marie. So I started looking into surgery. This point I had no idea how much I weighed and I didn't even care. That's when I found this online support group the first time. I was really interested in the LapBand. After a couple of weeks of research I came to the conclusion that because I had no insurance that I was just wasting my time. 7 Months past and all I could think about was what am I going to do. I did a lot of praying and finally an answer came. Kenneth was offered a job whi*****luded benefits. The benefits came with the job and it would not require me to have a health exam. We had tried to get independent insurance and they wouldn't cover me because of my weight. So before even considering WLS I said I'm going to try one more time to lose weight. I stepped on the scale and found out I was 599 pounds! I went on a diet and lost 50 pounds in 2 month. I weighed the following week and had gain back 21 pounds! I didn't know what was wrong, I was still dieting. My legs were out of control. No one could tell me what was wrong. I came back to obesityhelp on the brink of wanting to end my life. Thanks to many here I was lifted up and got the strength to go on. Many days I never thought I'd get surgery, but thru the process of 4 surgeons and countless nights of research, I found out I had Lymphedema, I met many friends, and realized that my life wasn't as bad as I thought. I worked on my spirit and finally God knew that the time was right to have surgery. The whole time I never knew why it didn't go as I had planned, but I now know that all the pieces had to fit. There is not a day that goes by I'm not thankful to this site or the others that I'm on. I have lost 158 pounds so far, but what I have gained so far from this journey is irreplaceable and priceless. Amy Surgery May 27th 2004 615/570/457/Healthy
Kelle W
on 9/8/04 8:31 am - Atlanta, GA
Wow, what a great idea Amy! You're so clever, and thank you so much for always giving selflessly of yourself to us....I for one really value you and your input! As for me, I was a premie baby (weight wise, not age wise). My mom smoked with me the whole pregnancy...of course in the early 70's no one said anything to her. I weighed I believe, 4 pounds 12 ounces when I was born. Anyway, I got sick alot cause I wouldn't eat, and the doctors told them to feed me anything, just get me to eat. I stayed with my grandma a lot, and she had an eating addiction. She fed me all the time, lots of southern food and sweets. By the time I was 2 I had caught up with the other kids weight wise. Then I blew past them and never looked back! By the time I graduated high school I was about 350 or so. It bothered me, but I had so many friends that I didn't have to face it too much. People would say things to me sometimes, but I was a punk/goth and had this look like if you mess with me I'll cut you, so that helped I realized after my marriage and inability to get pregnant that I was miserable and if I ever want to have children I have to get this weight off. I also was so tired of being a slave to food. Food was the most meaningful relationship in my life, my comfort, my friend, my lover to be honest. When I first heard about the surgery I said there was no way I was letting someone cut on me (I'd never been in the hospital before) unless I was dying. Well when I finally realized I was dying, cause of diabetes and hp, I decided to go for it. I'm so glad I did. I've stalled out on the weight lose, but hoping to kick it back in by beginning to exercise. Kelle
Carolyn A.
on 9/8/04 10:11 am - Monroe, GA
Hi Amy: I am fairly new to the boards. I really enjoy the sharing that happens on the board. As for me I am 53 years old and have been overweight most all of my life. I started out at 9lb 8oz. at birth. I was bigger than my older sister by the age of 3 and as big as my older brother by the age of 6. He is almost 6 years older than I am. In school I was always the biggest girl in the class. I developed a low self-esteem and turned to food as my solace. I got pregnant and married to the first guy that really showed me some attention (big mistake except for my kids). I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for 16 years. During that time I planned my divorce for 12 years. I had to achieve some goals: 1. I had to be able to support myself and 3 kids, 2. I had to make sure I would have job security, and 3. I had to be able to pay off about $200,000 in debt. I accomplished all three of these goals. I became a RN, that took care of 1 and 2. I got a good job and was able to work 70 hour weeks. for 3 years. That took care of # 3. The downside was my weight was bouncing like a yoyo. I would go on a diet and lose weight then gain it back. This went on for several years. In 1988, I met a wonderful man that accepted and loved all 250 lbs of me and my kids. He has emotionally supported me in anything I have attempted. The kids grew up and went their own ways. I completed my masters degree. Some setbacks for me were the death of both of my parents since 1997, estrangement from my older sister and brother and difficulty with my youngest child. My weight started going back up. I had managers that were very vindictive and told my co-workers that they were to report everything I did because the DON wanted me out. I also had applied for several upper management jobs that I was well qualified for only to hear we have chosen someone else. Two years ago after my father's death, I vowed that I would not hear we have chosen someone else again. I started researching WLS. I had several friends that had RNY. The surgeon where I work was doing RNYs so I started talking with him. I had undergone all of my approvals when our hospital was sold and the new insurance would not cover any treatment for morbid obesity. I thought that I had wasted an entire year. In January of 2004, I went on my husband's insurance since they covered treatment of MO. They required evaluations and weight loss history done in the past 1 year. My surgeon submitted all paperwork to the new insurance in late Feb 2004. More information had to be submitted in March. On April 15 I got my approval. Problem big inspection of our hospital on May 7 & 8. My surgery date was set for May 18. Another snag, my husband's company sold on May 9. Panic set in. We did some fast talking with his employer and was told that since my surgery was already approved, if the insurance did not pay the new company would. Thank God finally someone is on my side other than my family. Thus far I have lost from 297 to 216 for a total of 81 lbs. I truly think this is the best thing I could have done for myself. I have now been asked by my employer to start the first Weight Loss Support Group for our facility. Also through my persistence our corporate office is now revisiting their entire view of all treatments for Morbid Obesity. I will be meeting with corporate officials in the next few months for them to follow my progress. I think God let me have the surgery and do so well in order for me to be a positive influence for others in this journey. Carolyn
on 9/8/04 11:35 am - Duluth, GA
Wow Carolyn, what a strong, brave woman you are. How fabulous that you are being such a positive influence for future WLS hopefuls within your company! Godspeed! -Tami
on 9/9/04 12:33 am
My story isn't much different from others. I'd been bigger my whole least in my head. My mom used to swear I wasn't any bigger than the rest of the kids....but I could see that I was. I started gaining more and more weight once my dad left then getting into self esteem problems in school I'd hide behind being over weight. I kept gaining weight and by the time I graduated high school I was over 200 lbs. As I got into the work field I have a job where I sit at a desk most of the day - so I became sedentary. Eating was my comfort when I'd go through a hard time - be it a relationship or my mom getting sick or what ever I turned to food for comfort. I can remember talking to a friend swearing I'd NEVER break the 300 lb mark....I "couldn't imagine myself getting that big". Well, I did. My highest weight was 349 lbs. I decided to look into the surgery. I'd seen a group of my friends do it and be successful at it - so I wanted to see if it was for me. I didn't look too hard into it until I lost both parents last year due to obesity related health problems. I went in February to get my PCP's approval - and he was very gung ho for it. He drew some blood - and said my thyriod was off....sent me to an Endo *****leased me stating that it wasn't enough to not have the surgery. I called my surgeon the day the Endo released me - and the next day I was approved!!! My surgery was May 24th. I weighed 349 the morning of surgery and sit now at a more comfortable 259. I have a bit of a problem with getting sick - but have no real regrets. I'm still fresh enough post op that I'm still adjusting to it - but hopefully things will continue to get easier for me. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!! LOL
Denise M.
on 9/9/04 9:06 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Hi Amy Here is mine! I am 43 years old, I have been married 18 years to my husband Craig. We have an 11 year old daughter, Kelli, an 8 year old son, Brandon, and a 2 year old Shar Pei named Miko. I have been plus sized all my life. I don't ever recall a time being thin. However, I have always had the self confidence, and the drive to know and do whatever I have wanted to without ever having a second thought. I had successful pregnancies being plus sized, with my first I lost 13 lbs and with my son, I gained 8. My weight always remained between 240-260lbs. Although I realize this was not healthy, I never had any health issues or any mobility issues until about 5 years ago. I lost my father to illness a little over 5 years ago, and with that, began the serious health issues that manifested. With a combination of depression and anxiety, both hypertension and diabetes came forth. I had been very lucky up to that point, as I have a family history of these dread illnesses. With these diseases, came testing various medications to control them .As the medications increased, ability to lose weight decreased, and in some cases the medication added additional weight gain. Not a good combination. By the middle of last year my weight was fluctuating between 290- 305 lbs.From 1999 to present, my Physician and I have attempted everything possible to get the diabetes under control as well as battle this weight. It has failed . In the fall of 2003, two things happened to me that helped me make the most important decision of my life. 1. A trip to Savannah with my Girl Scout Troop in October 2003. I took 20 girls and their mothers on a pilgrimage to Savannah, the birthplace of Girl Scouts. We had tour after tour planned. Bottom line was that I got so tired, that I could not complete several of the scheduled tours. Not only was I embarrassed, but I wondered how it affected my daughter seeing me as such. 2. My Doctors Frank discussions and encouragement to attempt this surgery. I also pride myself in having a great relationship with my family physician, Dr. Martin Dixon. Dr. Dixon is wonderful. He listens, he does not judge, and he really works with you and for you to try to help you with your issues. He has known the struggle I have endured with my weight. He told me as a patient, I am a model candidate. Everything he has ever asked me to do, I have done, and my numbers were just wonderful. The only battle I could not overcome was the weight. Dr Dixon told me that although he was not an advocate of surgery for most folks; he felt I was a perfect candidate for a gastric bypass. We spoke frankly about my attempts, where I had been, and where my health would go if I did not take action. He encouraged me to think and pray about a decision that could in all intent and purposes save my life. It took me 5 months to really think and pray about all of this. In February I called Dr Dixon, and he referred me to Dr. Appel, and On March 11th, I took the biggest most important step of my life, and went to the four hour consultation When I got to the session, I was amazed to see all of the people just like me, who had come to listen. As I listened to the presentation, and read the criteria, I said, I can do this,! The next day I immediately scheduled all appointments needed for Insurance approval. My highest weight was 336. This was post-surgery. I went in at 326, so I gained 10 lbs in fluids. My surgery was 8/12- and I am trying to work through the issues that I have been having. I have learned that my pouch rules all. I must listen and obey it at all times or it will hurt me. I also learned that there are folks out there just like me who have better or worse days than me, but we are all there for each other. My goal is to be 100 lbs lighter by January. I am as of today 40 lbs lighter. I pray for strength to get there. Thanks for this forum! Denise Surgery 8/12/2004 336/296
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