A friend of our from this board needs our prayers (Patti C). I just found out tonight that she's in the hospital. She's been in since Sunday. Here's what I know....
She is doing ok, she is still in the hospital.. No idea what is going on yet. They have ran several tests and everything seems to be ok, as far as the stomach and intestines goes.. She cant keep any food down, and has just been on the IV fluids since she got in. She has bad Diarea...
Hopefully they find out something tomorrow..they did a test yesterday that takes 3days to get back so maybe something then???
The way it sounds it is just a bug, but it is scary for her because she just turned 6 weeks, and can start to eat solids tomorrow.. But she cant keep anything down.
Good news is it isnt any blockage, and her pouch seems normal!!
Just very dehydrated.
Please take a moment to sign her surgery page, with support
Thanks so much
I'll keep her and her family in my prayers. Hopefully it's just a bug. I was out of commission all last week with something similar. Five days of awful diahrea with the first two days being the worst. I managed to keep hydrated but it was a struggle. I should have gone to the doctor, but I was fairly certain it was a bug as a couple of people I know had the same thing. Please tell Patti that we are all thinking about her. -Paige