
on 9/7/04 12:06 pm - Bogart, GA
I was reading Lori Robinson's post from earlier today and noticed that so many people have an interest in horses. I so want to learn to ride! We had a horse when I was a little girl and loved it. There are so many things I wanted to do when I "got back into shape." And now those things are within my grasp. I live in Athens. Can anyone tell me anything about where I can go to hook up with some sort of instruction and of course, a horse? How much more do I need to lose before I should subject the poor horse to these hips? My current weight is 250#. Thanks -Paige
Lorri R.
on 9/7/04 1:05 pm - Tallapoosa, GA
Paige, you can certainly ride at 250 lbs. Plenty of men do, and no one says boo to them about it. I don't know if I'd get on a little 800 lb. Arab if I were you, but any well built 15 hh or over Quarter Horse, Appaloosa, Paint, or any breed should be able to carry you just fine. When I was a teenager I weighed around 225 or so and not only rode, I showed! I don't know for sure of anywhere near Athens where you can take lessons, but I'm sure if you did a search on Google you could find something. Just don't let them put you off as being too heavy--there are plenty of men heavier than you riding horses every day. Mention Richard Shrake if anyone wants to argue--that man has to go at least 250! Bet no one tells HIM he's too big to ride! (He's a high-powered QH judge/breeder/trainer and he rides in all his videos...) Lorri
on 9/7/04 1:18 pm - Bogart, GA
Thanks for the reply Lorri. Maybe there's hope for me yet. I'll be wearing eau de equine before you know it. -Paige
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