Trying to decide...New Here

Lorri R.
on 9/6/04 9:30 am - Tallapoosa, GA
Hey everyone! My name is Lorri, and I currently weigh 335 lbs, BMI 52, 5'7". I've been overweight all my life, and have done all the diets and clubs and programs. Up til last year I had the attitude that this was how God intended me to be for whatever reason, but then I got hit with a triple whammy of diabetes type II, hypertension, and high cholesterol. I spent the last year watching my diet and exercising, but after losing 30 lbs then gaining it all back, I'm really frustrated. I hate taking so many pills every day. I hate getting out of breath. I hate being unable to get on a horse without the truck tailgate. (I breed Appaloosas.) I hate how my feet get so tired, my knees get so sore, and everything is such a major production. I know my insurance will cover it, it's explicitly stated that bariatric surgery is covered. I know getting the DS will be my best choice (I have a friend who had the RNY about 15 yrs ago and she's able to gain weight too easily, and I've seen the difficulty she has when something gets stuck...), I know I'll feel better and look better. I know I'll be better able to work with my horses. I know I'll be able to come off most of my pills. But I'm afraid to actually make that call to a surgeon. It seems like such a huge and major step. I'm also afraid of how friends and my husband will react if I lose a lot of weight. I'm afraid of the expense, altho insurance will cover 90% with a $100 deductible. Any words of wisdom for a fellow traveler who's scared to take that first step off the front porch? Oh yeah, and is there a surgeon in GA, eastern AL or SW TN who does the DS operation? No RNY for me. Lorri
on 9/6/04 11:56 am - Duluth, GA
Hi Lorri, When I was at a previous job, I worked with a guy that was also overweight and he told me one day that he wanted to have "that weight loss surgery".. I told him great for him, but NOT ME! Uh uh..NEVER! Then, a couple of years later, I hear he had it, and I go visit with him. OMG he looked AMAZING!. Then I read the story of a lady named Sue Barr, at "" and I think I read her journal for about 2 hours...and was so amazed. After reading her story, then coming here to OH and reading profile after profile after profile, it started to sink into my thick skull that maybe this was for me. So.. I set out to make the dr appts, informational meeting, and all the required elements. But you know, until I got the approval and surgery date, it was just something I had talked about for a very long time. Suddenly, it was real. However, by that time, I had researched sooo much, and knew this was DEFINITELY for me. Now, here I am, post op, very blessed, because I have had minimal surgery/post op issues and am "talking" to you 62 pounds lighter than I was almost 2 months ago! ( I started at 331 and am 5'5) My suggestion to you, is to continue to research and get all the information you can absorb. When you are ready, will be the day you are no longer worried about calling the doctor. Now I have a question for you? In regards to how everyone will react to you if you lose weight. Wouldn't your husband and friends love knowing that you wanted to do something that could relieve you from the diabetes and excess weight that you are carrying around and the opportunity to be healthier than you have been in a while? It is not my intent to persuade you one way or the other. I just wanted to share with you what it took for me know when it was right for me, although there was a day that I thought my friend was a complete loony toon for having this dangerous surgery. When it is right for you, you will know.... I am uncertain about the DS... I went with RNY.... I wish you all the best in your journey. -Tami
Amy Williams
on 9/6/04 12:59 pm
There is a surgeon named Dennis Smith that does the DS. Here is his info. I've heard he is very good. Also John Husted in Tenn is excellent. * Dennis C. Smith, Jr., MD, FACS (photo) E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 770-928-9299 Fax: 770-928-9336 The Advanced Obesity Surgery Center 100 Stone Forest Drive, Suite 130 Woodstock, GA 30189 You might want to also check out Good Luck, the DS is an excellent choice. Amy
Becky F
on 9/6/04 1:04 pm - Woodstock, GA
Dear Lorri, I was scared to death too. I would suggest that you check out profiles to read about people who are on different legs of the journey. My hair dresser first suggested the surgery to me. She was thinking about having WLS and though I might be interested. She had watched me lose 100 pounds and gain it back, so she knew my struggle. At first, I was offended, then I began to read and pray about it. She had her surgery in March, and I followed her in June. I don't know about the DS. I would recommend that you call insurance and find surgeons who perform your desired surgery. After you get their names, check them out thoroughly! BTW, my dad just started pastoring at Talapoosa Chruch of God about a month ago. Mom and Dad live in Bremen. I was born in Carrolltown, so I definitely know where you are, Neighbor!!! Hugs, Becky
Denise M.
on 9/7/04 12:24 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Hi Lorri, WLS is a personal choice and only you will know when you are ready to address your issues this way. We could sit here and try to pursuade you...however, bottom line is its up to you! It is a drastic measure to irradicate a problem. However, it is life altering in the fact that your health should improve dramatically. I could suggest that you go on OH- look at the before and afters...Read profiles, and sit down to write pros and cons for yourself. That is my suggestion... Take Care and Good luck! Denise
on 9/7/04 1:11 am - Hawkinsville, GA
Hey Lorri, It's Me....Robin from the Draft horse group...and the PMU group and shire lover big time! We've talked horses before but never WLS. Small world isn't it!!! I am scheduled for surgery on October 13 with Peachtree Bariatrics in Atlanta. I'll be glad to talk to you about my experience with the WLS journey. My goal is to be the first person to ride Annie - my Shire X QH. And I don't wanna use a bucket or a tailgate to get on her either! Hehehehe Welcome to the journey! I'll email you privately soon. I'm working at the track here at home...we have over 400 horses and their people out there -- all running from Frances. Welcome again! Robin
Lorri R.
on 9/7/04 6:21 am - Tallapoosa, GA
Hey Robin! I've sent you an email with more horsey talk in it... funny, but not everyone wants to hear about the silly critters! congrats on your surgery--I'm taking the first step and have made an appt with my PCP to discuss WLS. I need to have my quarterly blood test and review of meds for diabetes anyway, so next Wednesday I'll be talking to her and hopefully getting some names of surgeons that do DS. I don't need the referral (insurance doesn't require it), but I want to pick her brain anyway. Once I utter the words "weight loss surgery" to her, it will seem real, I suppose. I've also gotten an email from Dr. Bryan Freeman in Anniston, AL (who incidentally just did a friend's adj. lap band surgery), but he doesn't do DS so I don't know... guess I'll have to call. DS just seems to have a better record for patients with a lot to lose, and less inconvenience and discomfort. One dear friend had the RNY many years ago, and she constantly has trouble with it--plus she's gained back at least half of what she lost. (I know that's because she isn't really sticking with modifying her lifestyle, but still...) I'm hoping to have the surgery done at the end of the year over quarter break, then go into my last quarter with an excellent exercise program--massage therapy clinic 3 days a week, 4 hrs a day! I tell you what, work on 4 clients for an hour each, you flat-out BURN some calories! And the massage therapy is another reason I want to do this--right now I have to do 90% of my work seated because my back and hip just won't take it. So far I've done good work, but I know I could do BETTER work if I could move around and stand up. I'm planning to go into business for myself, and I imagine I'll get better results from marketing if I look healthy myself.... Thank you everyone for your words of quiet encouragement and no pressure! It's not so scary now.... Lorri
Kay Holder
on 9/7/04 9:33 am - Mableton, GA
She most likely didn't have the RNY as its not been around but a few years,, sometime in the middle nineties... and it has been drastically improved since then. The surgery that was around that many years ago didnt work, and most of those people are being converted to an RNY. the RNY has a very low regain rate, with the exception of what they call bounceback lbs.. 10 or 20. With the Ds, you may not get stuck, but you have a much larger chance of vitamin defeicency as much more is by-passed. Not trying to change your mind, but offerring the other side.
Lorri R.
on 9/7/04 1:00 pm - Tallapoosa, GA
I spoke with them both tonight, and I had their surgeries mixed up. Rayne had the old surgery which had sort of an adjustable lap band but it was done in like 89 or 90, and Crystal had the RNY. Rayne probably needs to have hers revised, but don't know if she wants to fool with it. both were ecstatic that I was thinking about WLS, and telling them has made it seem more real. But a REAL milestone, and thanks to y'all for giving me the guts to do it, was to sit down and tell my husband that I'm seriously looking into doing it. He's not sure, since I'm on unemployment right now, but I had marshaled my facts so at least he's not standing in the way. Onward... Lorri
Kathy H.
on 9/7/04 9:52 am - bethlehem, GA
Hi Lorrie, My two cents is this... I was terrified to have the surgery. But, I also knew I had exhausted everything, and that I was exhausted. insurance pays almost 100 %. I had a few co pays for a few tests. I decided to go for it. My attitude was..well, I could always use the test to make sure everything is ok with me anyway. And, I can back out of it any time I want. THe process takes a while, so while I went through it, I prayed and kept going. I am now nearing the end of the process after a 3 month journey. I am more confident than ever that this is for me. I am more educated about it, and have talked to many people about it, including people here on this board. I researched the surgeon, and talked with some of his patients. I am confident this is where the Lord wants me to be, and if not, He will let me know otherwise. I am excited about my new life, and looking forward to my surgery. As for as no RNY..that is up to the individual. I do know there were things I was worried about concerning malabsorption. Anyway, those are just my two cents, like I said, maybe five cents lol. Best of luck, Kathy
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