What is wrong with my pouch?

Denise M.
on 9/6/04 7:11 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Ok ya'll... I am feeling really right now and very I am 25 days post op- and my pouch is giving me To date, I am still only able to get in my vitamins, and some liquids. If lucky, a shake and not the full contents.... If I am truely lucky, I can get in a small amount of beans(refried) and cheese. If I am really really really lucky, a small amount of an omlet (cheese) Everything else is This is depressing me. I am not wanting to gorge, but can I eat a spoon of something without ???? I can not tolerate any flavored drinks, no koolaid, no propel, no crystal light, NADA.... No SF products at all..No Soups they really make me Somebody help me out here! I need some and advice! Denise
Kay Holder
on 9/6/04 8:27 am - Mableton, GA
Denise.. it's almost normal. Everything made me sick to my stomach (I didnt puke, but sometimes I wish I had of) for the first 6to 8 weeks. Your pouch is still swollen and it wont hold much. Give it a bit.. it WILL get better! :hug:
Denise M.
on 9/7/04 12:13 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Do you promise Kay Kay? Cause I am sick of . I am not trying to consume a lot- just one taste of something makes me I have been praying to God that this stops soon. Thanks for the encouragement. Denise
cathy M.
on 9/6/04 10:36 am - hiram, GA
Denise, I know that we had two completeley different surgeries but, to me, It sounds like you need to call the doctor. I don't know if your doctor has a nutritionist, but I might be giving them a call too. The important thing to keep in mind is that you just had a major life altering operation, you have surgically changed the way your body normally works, and if for any reason you feel that something isn't right, by all means call. I remember my nutritionist really harping on me those first few months about getting enough protein, fluids, ect....I hope that I have helped, please let us know if you have any changes. It will get better. Take Care Cathy Martin
Denise M.
on 9/7/04 12:15 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Hi Cathy, Yes, I did talk with my surgeon- he reitereated the importance of staying hydrated, taking my vitamins, and getting in as much protein as possible. I told him about the nausia, he offered some phinigrin (sp?) Stubborn me, I am trying to be as DRUG FREE as possible ...So I said no thanks. I am truely resting, and trying not to stress. My whole attitude at this point is hospital avoidence..Not trying to go back there for any reason! Thanks so much for your words of support! Much Denise
Harriett H.
on 9/6/04 11:00 am - Alpharetta, GA
I can't do the s/f drinks now I did before surgery. Now I drink pineapple juice unsweetened and v8 juice and water but I still have a hard time with water unless it ice cold soups i can do. But if I was you I would call my Dr and have it check out to make sure your getting some of what you need. God Bless Harriett
Denise M.
on 9/7/04 12:16 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Hi Harriett, I have called, and I do have an appt on 9/22. Meanwhile I am on track as far as the Dr is concerned. This is just frustrating me, and plus I am tired of ing... Thanks for the support! Denise
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